IN Woodland Hills Fall 2022 | Page 9



Dementia / Alzheimer ’ s Diagnosis : What Next ?

Being diagnosed with a Dementia and / or Alzheimer ’ s disease ( AD ) is an overwhelming experience for the patient and their family members . Dementia and Alzheimer ’ s disease are progressive terminal illnesses where there is no cure . Therefore it ’ s crucial for families to prepare for the medical changes and their loved one ’ s future care . Below are four steps to help families after their loved one receives a diagnosis :

1 . Recognize the Disease
Early diagnosis is crucial for proper planning , but many patients do not receive appropriate cognitive testing . Oftentimes , family members believe cognitive or behavioral changes are a normal part of aging and do not seek treatment until symptoms are more severe . Speak to your doctor . Early diagnosis is key to managing memory loss .
A wise man once said that knowledge is power . If your loved one has been diagnosed with a dementia or Alzheimer ’ s disease , take this opportunity to research the disease , learn what to expect as the illness progresses , and find helpful resources available near you . Being better informed and preparing for the future will help patients and caregivers get the support they need throughout this difficult journey .
For more information on dementia and Alzheimer ’ s disease care options contact Juniper Village at Forest Hills at 412.244.9901 . Juniper Village at Forest Hills offers senior living , personal care and specialized memory impairment care .
2 . Begin Treatment
The most important step after diagnosis is to begin treatment . There are medications . Although these medications cannot dramatically improve a person ’ s memory or prevent the progression of the disease , they have been proven effective in minimizing symptoms .
3 . Make a Care Plan
Cognitive difficulties can cause patients to make mistakes with medications , mismanage their finances or struggle with performing activities of daily living . Dementia patients need a comprehensive plan of care in place that will ensure they receive the assistance and supervision they need throughout the different stages . Family members and hired in-home care services can help . However , in most cases , placement in a long-term care community becomes necessary . Those options include personal care communities , assisted living facilities , memory care units and / or a skilled nursing homes .
4 . Get Legal and Financial Affairs in Order Dementia patients need to make legal preparations for who will handle their future medical and financial decisions . Both a durable power of attorney ( POA ) for health care and a durable power of attorney for finances are critical . These legal documents appoint a trusted individual to oversee these areas for a patient who becomes incapacitated . Making these legal preparations today is necessary because a dementia patient cannot do so once declared legally incompetent .