IN Woodland Hills Fall 2022 | Page 24

the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center . High school graduates and college students are disenrolling and instead seeking out jobs since the pot is sweetened for entry-level roles as companies try to fill their talent pipelines .
According to a recent survey conducted by ResumeBuilder , more than half of the hiring managers surveyed said they have lowered the education requirements for entry-level positions , stating they did so due to the labor shortage . While some high school grads are choosing to start their careers , data does show that first-time freshman enrollment is up , and higher ed is looking at a variety of ways to satisfy students ’ desire for a flexible learning model .
Flexible Learning
According to the NCES , a nontraditional student is defined as a student who enrolls one or more years after graduating high school , or one who attends college part time . These students make up nearly 75 percent of students enrolled in higher education , making the need to satisfy them a priority .
Online learning platforms continue to grow in popularity , with the pandemic forcing institutions to establish and / or
bolster virtual classrooms , with 97 percent of college students switching to online learning in 2020 . This flexible option provides both students and professors the ability to learn from virtually anywhere anytime . Students who may have been unable to relocate to the school of their dreams now have the opportunity to attend a school anywhere in the world .
This flexible learning also makes it possible for working students to complete schoolwork after a workday , an additional incentive for those who are offered corporate tuition reimbursement from their employer .
Corporate Partnerships
The competition for suitable employees is hot as the labor shortage continues , leaving companies and corporations to choose from a limited pool of talent . Many organizations are losing out on talent due to higher wages or additional incentives not possible from all employers . Corporations are stepping up their recruitment game , partnering with institutions to ensure that classroom curriculum aligns with the job skills they are requiring . Many of these corporateinstitution partnerships result in placement programs that provide students with a job after graduation — a win-winwin for all parties involved .
These trends give us a hopeful outlook for students entering college or the workforce ( or both ) this year .
10 College Majors That Hold Promising Career Paths
The demand for talent continues to rise for all industries , so choosing just one path may be challenging when there is so much opportunity out there . Students looking to enroll in a college or university should take time to explore their strengths and passions .
As Mark Twain once said , “ Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life .” While that may not always feel true , it is important to find value in the work you do . When choosing a college major , think about what fuels you , what interests spark joy , and what you could see yourself doing until retirement .
Almost all industries are looking for talent , but the following majors are in demand , according to Indeed . com :
1 . Nursing – Health care workers are true heroes . Nursing has had a steady employment rate for years , and continues
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