IN Woodland Hills Fall 2022 | Page 11




6 Ways to Protect Your Hearing Aids

As with most electronic devices , water and hearing aids don ’ t mix . So how can you protect your hearing technology from potentially harmful moisture and help keep them working their best ? We ’ re sharing six important tips .

Q : Are my hearing aids really kaput if they get wet ? A : If you only knew how often we get this important question . As powerful as they are , hearing aids — like all electronics — have a couple of Achilles ’ heels , and one of them is water . The moisture could come from a swimming pool , a shower , or even the sweat from working out or soaking up a hot summer day , but it all comes down to this : Wetness can permanently put your hearing aids out of commission .
Of course there ’ s always the potential miracle — who hasn ’ t heard the occasional story of a friend or loved one accidentally putting their hearing technology , personal music player , smartphone , or other treasured device through the washing machine only to have it continue working without seemingly skipping a beat ? That ’ s some rare luck , however , so it ’ s important to stick to prevention .
USE A HEARING AID DRYER OR DEHUMIDIFIER This small appliance not only dries your devices as you sleep but can also double as their regular storage container .
KEEP A HAT ON HAND You never know when an unexpected rain shower might crash your outdoor fun . Having a spare hat can help keep the rain off you as well as your hearing aids .
Some simple steps at home can help keep your hearing aids dry and working well . Bringing them in periodically for a professional clean and check goes a long way , too . If it ’ s been a while since they ’ ve had a good once-over or they don ’ t seem to be operating their best , don ’ t delay . Schedule an appointment with our caring team at HearWell Center today !
Here are six ways to help keep wetness away from your hearing aids :
AVOID MOISTURE ALTOGETHER Remember to take your devices out of your ears before showering , hitting the pool , or getting into the hot tub , and be sure to store them in their own secure case rather than loose in a pocket or purse .
WIPE THEM DOWN Wiping your devices daily helps clear moisture and debris and helps reduce the risk of damage .
STAY VIGILANT Water-resistant hearing aids aren ’ t waterproof , so keep these types of devices out of the shower , pool , and hot tub , too . Otherwise , they can get damaged when immersed .
USE HEARING AID COVERS These handy helpers can aid in protecting your devices from water splashes and keep out dust and dirt , too .
This Industry Insight was written by Dr . Suzanne Yoder , Au . D ., HearWell Center . 412.208.4473 ; DrYoder @ hearwellcenter . com , hearwellcenter . com . About HearWell Center — HearWell Center is a full-service , independently owned audiology practice proud to be bringing better hearing to the people of Pittsburgh since 2007 . HearWell Center , located in Forest Hills , is a hearing care practice that has helped over 1,000 patients with their hearing , tinnitus , and balance disorders — and offers state-of-the-art diagnostic testing and expert fitting of hearing technology .

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Hearing loss can tax your brain , but the right technology can help curb the strain . And that could mean clearer thinking , more energy , and a healthier you !

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Dr . Suzanne Yoder Doctor of Audiology
2400 Ardmore Blvd , Ste 401 | Pittsburgh HearWellCenter . com