Woodland Hills Students Win
2018-2019 Fairchild Challenge
ongratulations to students in sixth and
seventh grade at the Woodland Hills
Academy for winning the 2018-2019
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps Conservatory.
Their first place finish this year marks their seventh
year as Fairchild Challenge Award winners. They
completed six environmental challenges throughout
the course of the school year highlighting their
talents in all areas of the curriculum. There were 25
schools from across the tristate area that participated
in this year’s competition. They received $1,000.00
for continuing environmental education. In addition,
Zoe Spear and Lucy Elston received the Patti Burns
Prize for excellence in Communication and Media
for a video they created about urban gardens. We
are so proud of our students for these amazing
Zoe Spear and Lucy Elston: Winners of the Patti Burns Prize for Excellence
in Communication and Media
First Row: Ethan Emter, Owen Phillips, Isabele Wilson, Raven Dean, Lillian Divelbiss, Ella DeVore,
Second Row: Helena Marshall, Lucy Elston, Zoe Spear, Isabella Caldwell, Lena Laubscher, Bree Boyd, Lizzie Geyer, Mrs. Pearson
FALL 2019