Hempfield Community Days
Dates: Sept. 9 & 10
Location: Hempfield Park, 220 Forbes Trail Road, Greensburg
Contact: hempfieldtwp.com/communitydays, or 724.834.7232
Featuring crafters from all over western Pennsylvania as well as free
family fun, food, music and a fireworks show! This event celebrates on
a grand scale throughout the beautiful 95-acre park. Visit the website
for more information.
Ligonier Highland Games
Date: Sept. 23
Address: Idlewild Park, Route 30, Ligonier
Contact: ligonierhighlandgames.org
Follow the skirl of bagpipes to beautiful Ligonier for the annual
gathering of the clans. Join more than 5,000 people and experience
exciting competitions in piping, fiddling, and drumming, athletic
events such as tossing the caber and the Scottish hammer throw,
Highland dancing and Scottish country dancing, as well as the timeless
tradition of Gaelic Mod. Shop for Celtic wares including pottery,
jewelry, tartans, Scottish food, and, of course, kilts! Visit the clan tents
to explore the history and genealogy of Scotland’s families. Enjoy
children’s games, the massed bands (hundreds of pipers and drummers
at once!), Scottish-breed dog exhibits, and Celtic performers from all
over the world! Visit the website for more information.
McKeesport Rib Fest
Dates: Sept. 1-4
Address: Lions Band Shell in Renziehausen Park, Tulip Drive,
Contact: mckeesportbands.com/rib-festival
Why stay home and barbecue on Labor Day weekend? Instead, take
the entire family to Renziehausen Park for the fifth annual McKeesport
Rib Festival! Known for attracting some of the region’s best barbecue
vendors, it’s easy to see why this festival has become one of the most
anticipated events of the year. With live entertainment on the Lions
Band Shell stage, an authentic car cruise, and a spectacular fireworks
display to close out the celebration, it is definitely one event you don’t
want to miss. Visit the website for more information.
Mount Pleasant Glass and Ethnic Festival
Dates: Sept. 22-24
Address: Crossroads of Diamond Street and Washington Street,
Mount Pleasant
Contact: mtpleasantglassandethnicfestival.com
Celebrate the rich ethnic history and glass-making tradition of the
small town of Mount Pleasant. Every last full weekend in September,
the streets come alive with music, crafts, food and fun. Visit the website
for more information.
Murrysville-Export Rotary Club Chili Oktoberfest
Date: Oct. 21 (Tentative. Check the website.)
Time: Noon to 6 p.m.
Address: Murrysville Volunteer Fire Company’s Picnic Pavilion,
3235 Sardis Road, Murrysville
Contact: murrysville-exportrotary.com,
murrysvilleparecreation.com, or 724.327.2100 x131 or 115
Keep it spicy this fall! With 30 types of hot and mild chili to sample,
the Chili Oktoberfest is the hottest event in town. Contestants of
all ages are eligible to enter and the event is family friendly, with live
entertainment, kids’ games, refreshments, Rivertowne beverages
and more! Hosted by the Murrysville-Export Rotary Club and in
22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Woodland Hills
cooperation with the Murrysville Recreation Department. Visit the
websites for ticket information and more details.
Murrysville Heritage Festival
Date: Sept. 16
Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: Sampson/Clark Toll House, West Pike Street, Murrysville
Contact: murrysvillehistory.org, or 724.327.6942
A walk back in time in local history! The Murrysville Heritage
Festival is a full day of music, arts, history and food, with costumed
re-enactors and vendors, offering a taste of life in Pennsylvania history.
This event is free but donations are always welcome to keep the
event going on for generations to enjoy. Visit the website for more
Schramm Farms and Orchards
Dates: Check the website.
Address: 1002 Blank Road, Jeannette
Contact: schrammfarms.com, or 724.744.7320
Running through the end of October, there will be a huge selection
of pumpkins for your choosing. To add to the autumn atmosphere,
there are scarecrows and other festive displays. There is something for
the whole family. Enjoy play hay, two corn stalk mazes, pony rides,
hayrides, a corn box, and much more. There is also a wide selection
of refreshments including fresh-cut French fries made from the farm’s
own potatoes, apple cider slush, homemade candy and caramel apples
and more! Visit the website for more information on hours and other
Plum Foundation’s Holiday Boutique Craft and
Vendor Show
Date: Oct. 21
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Address: Plum Senior High School, 900 Elicker Road, Plum
Contact: pbsd.k12.pa.us/TheFoundation
This year’s event will again feature an assortment of handmade
treasures by local crafters with something for everyone! Cash and
Carry vendors will also be on site. Basket raffles will be offered
throughout the day and refreshments will be available for purchase
from the Pretzel Factory and Chick-fil-A. Proceeds from the event
benefit the students of the Plum Borough School District via
scholarships as well as assisting with funding of programs that enrich
and expand the educational experience of the students beyond what
the school district can provide. Visit the website for more information.
Pennsylvania Arts and Crafts Labor Day Festival
Dates: Sept. 1-4
Address: Westmoreland Fairgrounds, 123 Blue Ribbon Lane,
Contact: familyfestivals.com/Colonial-Festival.html
One of the Top 20 Craft Shows in America! Over 200 national
artists gather to exhibit and sell a wide variety of crafts. The festival also
includes food, live entertainment, kids’ activities and more. Visit the
website for more details.