JCC South Hills Seventh Night
Chanukah Celebration
Date: Dec. 28
Time: Noon
Address: 345 Kane Boulevard, Mt. Lebanon
Contact: jccpgh.org, or 412.278.1975
At the JCC, Chanukah usually includes daily
candle-lighting, music and other activities. See the website for
upcoming details on this celebration.
Kennywood Holiday Lights
Dates: Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 22,
plus Dec. 26-30
Address: 4800 Kennywood Boulevard, West Mifflin
Contact: kennywood.com, or 412.461.0500
“America’s Finest Traditional Amusement Park” decks its halls
(and rides) with nearly two million twinkling lights, highlighted
by the tallest Christmas tree in the state of Pennsylvania. Enjoy
holiday songs, see spectacular light shows, visit Santa, and more!
Mt. Lebanon Library Chanukah Celebration
Holiday Festivities & Fun
Chabad of Pittsburgh Chanukah
Dates: Dec. 22-30
Address: 1700 Beechwood Boulevard, Pittsburgh
(Squirrel Hill)
Contact: chabadpgh.com, or 412.421.0546
From menorah lightings and treats to a dinner and
parade, there is usually a variety of ways to commemorate
Chanukah in the city. Check the website for details.
Chanukah Festival at The Waterfront
Date: Dec. 23 (Tentative; check the website.)
Address: The Waterfront, Bridge Street, Homestead
Contact: jewishpgh.org
Called the largest Jewish family event in Pittsburgh!
Community Empowerment Association Kwanzaa
Date: Dec. 17
Time: 4 p.m.
Address: 16 Castle Shannon Boulevard, Mt. Lebanon
Contact: mtlebanonlibrary.org, or 412.531.1912
Celebrate the Miracle of Lights with PJ Library South Hills
Ambassador Kate Louik and Temple Emanuel Librarian Paula
Altschul at this family-friendly storytime with crafts.
Mt. Lebanon Library Noon Year’s Eve
Date: Dec. 31
Time: 11 a.m.
Address: 16 Castle Shannon Boulevard, Mt. Lebanon
Contact: mtlebanonlibrary.org, or 412.531.1912
Get ready for the New Year with a countdown to 12 o’clock—
noon, that is! Stories, songs, a craft, treats and more for families
of all ages.
Continued on next page >
Date: Check the organization’s website.
Address: 7120 Kelly Street, Pittsburgh (Homewood)
Contact: ceapittsburgh.org, or 412.371.3689
Every December, the CEA celebrates Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1)
in the spirit of the seven principles. Festivities include West
African dance and drumming performances as well as children’s
arts and cultural activities.
JCC Chanukah
Dates: Dec. 22-30
Address: 5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh (Squirrel Hill)
Contact: jccpgh.org, or 412.521.8010
At the JCC, Chanukah includes daily candle-lighting, music
and other activities. See the website for details.
WI NT E R 2019