IN West Mifflin Fall 2018 | Page 22

FREE $ 2ND OPINION WITH XRAYS* WITH COUPON ONLY E XPIRES 12/20/18 BEAUTIFUL TEETH & HEALTHY GUMS FOR LIFE!!! T he dreaded toothache. Better call the dentist for an emergency visit for the tooth that need work, but you decided to wait on and now needs to be treated. Only now, because it broke and you need double the work, it will be double the price. In the past, unfortunately, pain was the indicator we used to determine that a tooth needed treatment. Today, with modern technology, intraoral photos, and digital x-rays, we can help you PREVENT pain by diagnosing potential problems before they get worse. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PREVENTIVE TREATMENT VS. WAITING FOR THE PAIN? 1. Any decay lingering in your mouth can cause bad breath and a potential health problem. 2. You keep your teeth longer! Studies show that pulling our teeth sooner than later lessens our years. Also we can enjoy eating, drinking, and smiling with confi dence! 3. It’s fi nancially smart. If you let small issues go with your teeth, it will cost you thousands more and aff ect a lot more than just the tooth needing treatment. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 20 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE ❘ 99 CLEANING EXAM AND XRAYS* WITH COUPON ONLY E XPIRES 12/20/18 $ 50 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL EXAM AND NEEDED XRAYS* WITH COUPON ONLY E XPIRES 12/20/18 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! 412-462-7710