IN West Mifflin Fall 2017 | Page 10


Pittsburgh and its mission of providing homes and support for people with intellectual disabilities . All skill and fitness levels are welcome . The Spirit Run is an out-and-back course along the Three Rivers Heritage Trail , followed by an awards ceremony , refreshments and a family-friendly celebration in the South Shore Riverfront Park at South Side Works . Post-race activities include Halloween-themed crafts and fun with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh , pumpkin painting and more ! For more information , visit EmmausPgh . org / spiritrun .
The Allegheny County Health Department ( ACHD ) urges people to dress appropriately and use repellent when in grassy or wooded areas . Individuals should also shower and check for ticks after being outside , as ticks that carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease are prevalent throughout the county .
Over the past 10 years , the number of Lyme disease reports has increased dramatically in Allegheny County . An estimated 1,285 cases were reported in 2016 , compared with 971 in 2015 and 822 in 2014 .
“ Lyme disease is both preventable and treatable ,” said Dr . Karen Hacker , Director of the Allegheny County Health Department . “ With education , residents can be more aware of ticks , and use common strategies to protect themselves and their families . It is important to know the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease , and for those with the disease to seek early treatment to avoid any potential longterm health complications .”
Lyme disease is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick commonly known as the deer tick or blacklegged tick . Every county in Pennsylvania has deer ticks and is reporting cases of the disease .
Lyme disease can be successfully treated with antibiotics . Some people may remain untreated because early symptoms can be mild and do not always include a telltale “ bull ’ s-eye rash ” that can appear three to 30 days after the bite . If untreated , Lyme disease can lead to serious complications such as chronic arthritis and neurologic problems .
Thanks to two local men and West Mifflin Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 914 Intrepid , a ceremonial howitzer at Mitchell Paige Memorial Park recently received a much-needed facelift .
Ken Curcio and Garrett Tomko , both from West Mifflin , refurbished the monument over three days in July as part of a community service project . According to All-American VFW Post 914 Commander Jake Bradich , the results couldn ’ t be better .
Back in its prime , the M101A1 howitzer certainly was a weapon system to be respected . Once muscled into firing position by a crew of six to eight artillerymen , it could be made to pump out 30 rounds in three minutes — each roaring toward its target at nearly 500 yards per second .
Over the last 16 years as a monument to West Mifflin ’ s heroes , however , the howitzer had collected an unsightly amount of rust and dirt . Curcio , a Marine who served with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force during the first Persian Gulf War , knew it was time to act .
As thorough as any armorer might be ,
An individual who believes he or she has had a tick attached for more than 24 hours or has symptoms of Lyme disease should contact his or her health care provider .
Two other diseases similar to Lyme disease transmitted by deer ticks are also known to occur in Pennsylvania — babesiosis and given the scale of the effort , Curcio directed the revamping project . Underneath the camouflage color scheme are two primer coats of olive drab green . Prior to paint application , all rust was scraped and sanded off . The total cost paid by VFW Post 914 for paint , tape , exterior plastic covers and tools was around $ 200 . All the labor was donated by Tomko and Curcio .
According to Curcio , the younger Tomko handled the bulk of the heavy work .
“ He did most of the scraping and the two undercoats ,” said Curcio , who holds a second job at VFW Post 914 as adjutant . “ I did the camouflage top coat as I ’ ve had much more experience doing those .”
Now with its fresh coat of paint , West Mifflin ’ s artillery piece stands proudly next to the memorial that honors the borough ’ s soldiers , sailors , airmen , Marines and merchant seamen . Commander Bradich added that since the weapon arrived at the park from Blue Grass Army Depot in Lexington , Kentucky , its purpose is more solemn than it was decades ago when it served with an active unit .
“ The howitzer here is silent ,” he said . “ It is the hope of all veterans that weapons like this howitzer will someday be silent forever .”
For more information about VFW Post 914 and its activities , contact Commander Bradich at 412.464.9838 .
West Mifflin Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 914 Intrepid Adjutant Ken Curcio , left , and 18-year-old West Mifflin native Garrett Tomko stand before the borough ’ s newly painted howitzer at Mitchell Paige Memorial Park . The venerable M101A1 , 105-millimeter piece received some renovation work over three days in July as part of a community service project .
anaplasmosis — but , at present , are much less common than Lyme disease .
For additional information about tick control and tick-borne disease prevention , please visit www . achd . net or call the Allegheny County Health Department at 412.687 . ACHD . n
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