Pleasant Hills Middle School DAN COMO, PRINCIPAL
Hurricane Relief
After learning about the devastation caused by hurricanes in Texas and Florida,
PHMS arranged a Pie in the Face Fundraiser to raise money. A total of 12 staff
members volunteered for the coin wars to determine who would take a pie in the
face for charity. Students, staff and parents donated money to the staff member they
wanted to get a pie in the face. In the end, the following teachers won the donation
challenge and had the honor of taking a pie in the face: 6th grade- Mr. Gennaula;,
7th grade- Mr. McCabe;, 8th grade- Mrs. Haselhoff;, Specials- Mrs. McCauley; and top
fundraiser, Vice Principal Zunic. All together, the students and staff raised over $1,700
in a little over a week. A donation was made to Global Giving on behalf of PHMS.
Global Giving is a non-profit organization that places a priority on getting donated
funds to community organizations. It receives high ratings from the New York Times,
Charity Navigator Watch-dog site, and the Better Business Bureau
Pleasant Hills Middle School students and staff are placing a greater emphasis this school year on empathy and
how we can better serve others. Students and staff led two fundraising efforts to help those in our community along
with those in other parts of the country. In addition, a group of seventh-grade students started a Kindness Project to
improve how students treat one another on a daily basis. Additional information for each project is provided.
54 West Jefferson Hills