Ireland. “Her current ringer percentage is
72.51. She is just fantastic and a true lover
of the sport. Another standout in the
WPHPA is Kurt von Kliest, Jr. of Warren,
who has also won several Pennsylvania
Championships and has a current ringer
percentage of 66.18. Michael Yakemowicz
of Glenshaw is the youngest member of
our organization at 9 years old and he
works just as hard to improve his game as
our numerous members close to 90. We
are so thrilled to have our older members
in the WPHPA. They enjoy the game
and receive the many health benefits, like
social activity, light cardio, mindfulness
and flexibility. It keeps them strong,
active and engaged.”
Today, the game is popular throughout
the United States. It’s estimated that more
than 10 million people play horseshoes
every year. “H.O.P.E. Horseshoe Club
on Baldwin Road in Carnegie will host
the Pennsylvania State Championship
Tournament Labor Day weekend. All
spectators are welcome to watch some of
Pennsylvania’s best horseshoe pitchers,”
says Ireland.
WPHPA hosts the Pennsylvania
State Indoor Tournament every April.
This year’s tournament was held at the
DuBois Horseshoe Club. Members from
across the state participate in various
classes: Juniors, Elders, Mixed, Women’s
Championship and Men’s Championship.
To learn more details about all the
clubs in the Western Pennsylvania
Horseshoe Pitchers Association,
including locations, fees, rules and
regulations, visit ■
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