IN West Jefferson Hills Spring 2019 | Page 56

Keeping Our Students Safe Online GERRY DAWSON, TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR T he District has implemented several technology upgrades and enhancements to support personalized learning for our students this school year. As we invested in a full-time, one-to-one technology program (one student per device) for grades 5 through 12, students were assigned a Chromebook in which they are responsible for its use and care not only during the school day but also at home. It is considered another school-issued, educational resource, just like a textbook. With the focus on anytime, anywhere learning, keeping our students safe while online is a critical issue. To reinforce our commitment to student safety, the district adheres to multiple layers of learning, software, and procedures to protect our students online. • Each student in the district is educated on responsible and safe online behavior through Common Sense Media Curriculum K-12. Students participate in programs that reinforce online safety and security, anti-bullying, ethical behavior and etiquette using today’s communication platforms. • Student Internet activity is filtered for appropriate content 24 hours a day, no matter where in the world they may be. All searches and visited websites are logged and the technology department can easily produce a very comprehensive report on demand for teachers and administrators. • Teachers have the ability to view the screens of the students in their classroom in real-time. With this very effective classroom management tool called Hipara, the teacher no longer has to continually walk around the room and try to catch students who may be 54 WEST JEFFERSON HILLS straying away from the task at hand. Instead, they see all activity at a glance and can easily redirect students when necessary or provide immediate feedback and personalized notes. • Another vital component to our online student safety program is the ability to track student email such as monitoring, filtering, reporting and file storage. This email tracking service (Safe Mail??) also runs 24 hours a day regardless of location. A proprietary algorithm scours all email files, including images, looking for inappropriate content. It assigns a score to anything it deems inappropriate and performs an action based upon that score. For example, foul language found in a student’s document may only trigger a warning to the student, but repeated offenses may trigger an email to an administrator. If the software finds something more serious, such as an image with nudity, bullying, indications of self-harm or threat to others, the vendor has a trained staff working 24 hours a day as a Human Monitoring Service that will determine if there may be the potential for a serious and/or imminent situation. If the Human Monitoring Service determines that there is a possible student situation, they will email, text, and, for the most serious concerns, call our district administrators. They will also contact local authorities directly if warranted. Despite all of the precautions and safety measures that the district takes, technology is not fullproof. We encourage parents to visit CommonSense and partner with us to provide a safe online learning experience.