C O V E L L I L AW O F F I C E S , P. C .
Estate Planning and
Life’s Changing Seasons
hen it comes to Last Wills, a lot of people
think that they can “prepare it and forget
about it”. But in reality, your Will is a fluid
legal directive containing details about what you want
to happen when you die. Just like your opinions can
change when you’re presented with new facts, your
Will may need to change when your life takes off in a
new direction.
“Reviewing your Will isn’t something you need to
write down on the calendar, but it is something that
you should regularly consider, especially when you
have a major life event,” said Joe Covelli of Covelli Law
Offices. “Just like the seasons change, our life changes.
You could be married or divorced, or you may sadly
suffer the loss of a spouse or a child. Alternatively, you
could enjoy the birth of a child or grandchild. Your
financial circumstances may change. You could hit the
lottery, or decide to take your retirement in a lump
sum. Or, someone originally mentioned in your Will
could predecease you. All of these things could impact
your thinking on how you want your affairs handled in
the event of your death.”
Attorney Covelli also notes that the declining health
of an executor or beneficiary is another circumstance
prompting the need to examine the Will content
for possible changes. “If you appoint someone as
Executor who is unable to do the job, either mentally
or physically, the process of getting someone new
appointed as the Personal Representative of the Estate
requires Court intervention, which people should try to
avoid at all costs since it often involves more time and
money,” Covelli said.
If you need your Last Will and Testament updated,
do not make these changes on your own, as
handwritten writings on the original document can
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invalidate the Will. Some people think that online Will
generators are a cost-effective alternative to having
a custom-made Will drafted by an attorney, but think
again. According to Covelli, the generic nature of
online Wills can create more problems for people than
they’re worth.
“In most cases the online forms are generic, and they
are not tailored to the specific needs of individuals,”
he said. “Almost everyone has a particular matter or
two that makes their situation unique. You may think
of your situation as simple or routine, but specific
facts and circumstances need to be addressed in
estate planning documents. You may own an antique
collection or valuable property like a vintage car. You
may wish to be cremated, and have a brief ceremony
rather than an elaborate wake. You may have minor
children or grandchildren, or a special needs child, who
would likely necessitate the need for Trust provisions
and possibly a Guardian(s) named.
Taking the time to meet with an attorney to discuss
your particular wishes now, while you have the mental
capacity to do so, will ensure that your wishes are
carried out as you desire, and not according to the
direction of someone else. Fortunately, the Attorneys
at Covelli Law Offices are available to help you to
understand your Last Will–and every other aspect of
your estate planning. At Covelli Law Offices, everyone
receives a free 30-minute initial consultation. At your
consultation, the attorneys will advise you as to what
role they can play in your situation to help you and
your loved ones the most.
For more information on Covelli Law Offices, go
to, or call 412.653.5000. The
office is located at 357 Regis Avenue (across from the
Pleasant Hills-West Mifflin Post Office).
Joe Covelli has over 37 years’ legal
experience and is a “5 Star Professional
Award” recipient. He is a Member of the
“National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys”,
and he heads a team of attorneys with
expertise in several areas of the law. For
more information, call 412.653.5000, or visit
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