IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2022 | Page 57


The following is a summary of the work done by the Borough ’ s Volunteer Voter District Reapportionment Committee that is looking to reevaluate the voting districts in the community . This summary was presented to the Borough of Jefferson Hills Council at the July 6 , 2022 , meeting .
Progress To Date n
The committee was established in Spring , 2021 by Borough of Jefferson Hills Councilmember Karen Bucy and former Mayor Jan Cmar to address concerns about long wait times and crowding at Jefferson Hills ’ existing polling places
n The committee initially included Karen Bucy , Jan Cmar , Hilary Budd , Dave Montgomery , Lisa Buckiso , Denny Cmar , Manzoor Mohideen , and Dave Oster . After the 2021 general election , at least one poll worker from each of the Borough ’ s eight districts ( a total of ten poll workers ) were added to the committee n

Volunteer Voting District Reapportionment Committee

The committee has met several times and is working on a reapportionment plan that will roughly equalize the number of voters per district by adding a 9th district and moving approximately 2,700 voters from their current districts to the new or other existing districts
n Currently state law ( Title 25 , Paragraph 2702 ) requires no more than 1,200 voters per district with exception for “ good cause ”
n Currently the Borough has three districts that exceed the limit of 1,200 voters (# 1 with 1,770 voters ; # 5 with 2,083 voters ; and # 8 with 1,348 voters )
Future Efforts
Changes to voting districts require agreement from the Allegheny County Board of Elections and approval by the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas . The petition process is described in a set of instructions provided by the Board of Elections . The Jefferson Hills ’ Borough Manager and Solicitor have begun working on the petition . The Committee will help by providing the detailed changes to the Borough for inclusion in the court petition . Currently election districts cannot be altered until after November 30 , 2022 , but the Borough is planning on filing the petition immediately after the November 30th date .

NOTE : The projected changes will not be made until the Spring 2023 primary election to acclimate voters to the reallocation changes prior to the 2024 presidential election . est Jefferson Hills BOROUGH OF JEFFERSON HILLS NEWS