IN West Jefferson Hills Fall 2022 | Page 15

days , the park has hundreds of visitors . They are often tempted to pick up apples that have fallen from the tree to feed the horses . But if many people feed them , it ’ s unhealthy for them and the other park animals .
Though the animals are a big attraction , there is also a working farm that produces corn and hay that is used to feed the animals . The barns on the property are also open to visitors and were built in 1864 . They are original wood , except for the roofs , and were built entirely with pegs rather than nails .
The Round Hill Spray Park is a popular place in summer , especially for kids .
In years past , there was a yard garden , but during the pandemic , it became neglected . According to park supervisor Terry Fox , the garden will be replanted this spring , and people of all ages are welcome to work in it . This is a great opportunity for those who live in apartments , or don ’ t have a yard , to go and enjoy the outdoors and work with the plants .
The 1,101-acre farm also has 14 miles of walking and bridle trails . The walking trails feature a pastoral stroll past crop fields and farm animals . There is also a short trail , which is just over a mile , for those who are looking for an experience rather than a workout .
Fox says that the park is the combination of three separate farms . One of the properties that comprises Round Hill Park was the property of Joseph P . Peairs , a Revolutionary War soldier who purchased the land from the state of Pennsylvania . Fox has recently acquired the deed to the property , which is dated 1798 . Peairs built a rather large brick home on the property in 1838 . The private offices for the park are currently housed in the home .
The park came into existence in the 1960s , when an Allegheny County commissioner named Howard Stewart made a personal mission of providing parks for public use . He was apprehensive that all the large farms and wooded areas in the county would be bought by industries and property developers , leaving no green space and open areas . Though he met with considerable opposition , he won out and was able to see several parks in the county formed , including Round Hill Park .
Fox says that it ’ s one of the few parks in the United States where visitors can go every day and view the workings of an actual farm for free . The park employees enjoy having the people visit , and they are of all ages .
In September , there will be a concert held at the soccer fields at the park . In early December , Round Hill Park will have the annual Blessing of the Animals . For this event , one of the barns is set up with hay bales as “ pews ” and a priest blesses all the farm animals , then attendees can enjoy hot chocolate and cookies ! Be sure to visit the website for dates and times at alleghenycounty . us / parks / roundhill / index . aspx .
If you would like to schedule your daycare center or school group of 15 or more , you can make a reservation by calling 412.384.4701 , Monday through Friday . Tours are offered year-round and last approximately one hour . n