Construction of the new Thomas Jefferson High School progresses each day . Phase I of the construction project consisted of earth moving and site stabilization . Phase II consists of additional earth moving that will prepare the site for the building as well as construction of the school itself .
Phase II of the construction project kicked off in May , and the construction team has been busy working all summer . Currently , the site is being backfilled and prepared to accept footers and foundations . The team already has foundations in place for the pool and parts of the lower level . Work will continue on foundations for the next several months , and we are on track to open the new Thomas Jefferson High School in July of 2018 .
Please visit the TJHS construction website , www . newtjhs . com , for the latest construction information , pictures , and future dates of the Community Construction Committee Meetings which are open to the general public . Visitors can also access the newly-installed construction camera to view the building progress from the comfort of their own homes . The camera is positioned to show most of the construction site and is set up to take one picture every 15 minutes from 7:00AM through 7:00PM . Viewers have the ability to watch time-lapse videos of the entire construction progress . When the new high school is completed , website visitors can watch a five-minute movie to see the whole project come together from start to finish .
The West Jefferson Hills School District Council of PTAs will host an informational session for parents on student stress and anxiety . The panel will discuss how parents might recognize the signs and symptoms of stress or anxiety in their children and will propose ideas to help both parents and students cope with these issues . The discussion will encompass all school age children from kindergarteners who struggle with separation anxiety through high school juniors or seniors stressed out about Advanced Placement exams or choosing the right college or career path . Scheduled among the presenters will be Erin McManus , the Outpatient Supervisor at Mon Yough Community Services . The panel will speak for approximately one hour and afterwards there will be a thirty minute question and answer session for the parents in attendance . The event is scheduled for Thursday , October 6 , 2016 , at 7 pm in the LGI Room at Pleasant Hills Middle School . Parents from nearby communities are also welcome to attend .
est Jefferson Hills
West Jefferson Hills | Fall 2016 | icmags . com 43