IN West County Winter 2019 | Page 30

ELK CREEK RECREATION AND LEISURE BOARD 2019 – 2020 WINTER PROGRAMS The Elk Creek Recreation and Leisure Board is comprised of appointed members from the municipalities of Girard Township, Girard Borough and Lake City Borough as well as members from the Girard School District and one Member at Large. A paid Director is in charge of running the programs. The focus of the Board is to coordinate and facilitate programs for youth as well as adults in the area to participate in. REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.IMATHLETE.COM H SANTA’S ARRIVAL H – FREE EVENT – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2019 CRAFTS - FACE PAINTING -GAMES HOLIDAY MUSIC REFRESHMENTS & MUCH MORE! St. John’s Social Hall Route 20 – Girard PA 6:00PM - 8:00PM WEST COUNTY AQUATICS Cost: $80/Session Site: GHS Pool Days: Tues, Wed, Fri, & Sat Dates: January 4–February 8, 2020 Time: GHS & RAMS - 3:30PM–4:30PM (T, W, & F); 10:30AM–11:30AM (SAT) EVES - 4:15PM–5:00PM (T, W, & F); 11:15AM–12:00PM (SAT) Program covers all four competitive swimming strokes and drills for all four strokes. Also starts and turns. All swimmers must be able to swim one length of the pool (NONSTOP) doing freestyle and backstroke. All swimmers need to bring goggles and swim cap each swim session. Program Coordinator: George Drushel H WINTERFEST - FREE EVENT H JANUARY 19, 2020 1PM-3PM @ LAKE ERIE COMMUNITY PARK H RECYCLED SLED CONTEST & RACE (AGES 5-8 & 9-12) H CRAFT, HOT BEVERAGES, AND FUN RUN H WAGON RIDES, RESCUE DOGS, & DOG SLED DEMO H IGLOO BUILDING & ICE SCULPTURES (Bring your shovel) & MORE! Time: 6PM–8PM Dates: January 7 – March 18, 2020 Walk indoors - Stay active during winter months –Promote health and wellness All children must be accompanied by an adult. KIDS FUN NIGHT Day: Saturdays Dates: Dec 7, Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 7 Site: Girard Alliance Church Age: Pre-K – 4th Grade Time: 6PM – 9PM Cost: $5.00/PERSON BRING A FRIEND GAMES H CRAFTS H PIZZA POOL PARTIES Cost: $130 - Residents* $150 - Non-Residents* *Plus $30 deposit Site: GHS Pool Dates: September 2019–May 2020 Call to check availability. WALKING PROGRAM Cost: $.50/Walker Site: EVES Hallway Day: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 28 WEST COUNTY YOUTH INDOOR SOCCER Cost: $20/Child Age: Pre-K - 4th Grade Site: EVES Gym Day: Wednesdays & Thursdays Time: 5:30PM–8:00PM Cost: $20/Child Dates: March 18–May 7, 2020 Provide opportunities to increase individual skills to lead to an overall enjoyment of the game for years to come. Through participation in weekly practices and games, players learn sportsmanship, how to work as a team and also build quality relationships with players and coaches. PARENTS NEEDED TO COACH!