tablet, then keep the television and other
devices off during dinnertime and enjoy
conversation together. Optometrists also
researched the importance of natural
sunlight exposure to the eyes and say that
a lack of exposure to natural light could
affect the growth and development of
Digital eyestrain symptoms
• Burning
• Itchy or tired
• Increased headaches
• Fatigue
• Blurry vision
• Head and neck pain
The best way to properly monitor eye
and vision health is to make sure your
child gets a comprehensive eye exam
every year.
A big smile can say a lot about your
overall health, so if you’ve been skipping
out on the dentist, you may want to
schedule your visit. A yearly dental
visit protects against poor oral health
that can lead to greater problems down
the road. Good oral hygiene, including
brushing at least twice a day with a
fluoride toothpaste and flossing, can
protect against the damaging effects of
gum disease. Gingivitis is a mild form
of gum disease that is due to plaque and
tartar buildup on teeth, leaving gums
red, swollen, and irritated. When left
untreated, gingivitis can advance to
periodontitis. A more serious and painful
disease, periodontitis causes gums to
pull away from teeth, allowing bacteria to
build in the pockets between. Due to the
infection and inflammation, your body’s
Continued next page >