Foot Health
It is important to stay healthy from head to toe, including your feet. There are 26 bones
and 33 joints in your foot and ankle, making the possibility for issues very high. From sprains
and fractures, to ingrown toenails, bunions, corns, and athlete’s foot, we may find ourselves
hiding our foot problems in a pair of shoes. But overlooking foot health can lead to greater
problems if left untreated. Taking a few simple steps to ensure foot health is easy to do:
Keep feet clean and dry.
Make sure to trim toenails regularly and straight across.
u Wear shoes that fit properly.
u Don’t ignore discolored or cracking toenails.
u Wear shoes in public places to avoid fungal infections.
Overall Health
Overall health and well-being starts from the inside out. Begin by providing your body
with the nutrients it needs to work properly. You will have more energy and feel better every
single day that you eat healthy, nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and get in some
exercise. While physical wellness is crucial for a healthy life, it is important not to overlook
mental wellness. This includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental
health is important throughout all stages of life from childhood to adulthood. While good
physical health directly affects mental health, you should care for your mental health in
different ways.
Love yourself and treat yourself with kindness and respect.
Surround yourself with people who make you happy.
u Meditate and/or pray to provide yourself with time to silently
reflect on all of the positive aspects of life.
u Try something new to break away from the daily grind.
u Get help when you feel like you cannot help yourself. n
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