IN West County Winter 2016 | Page 12

“But now, every time I drive past the Girard monument and see David’s banner, I fill up again with pride for the sacrifice he made.” She shares how friends and neighbors came together to help the family grieve. “He was so well-loved,” she says. “What an honor it is to have his banner displayed here with other men who also gave their lives.” The Memorial Day service, held each May in the Girard cemetery, continues to be a solemn and poignant commemoration for our heroes, living and dead, because of Edder’s involvement with the organization. Special music and esteemed guest speakers address the crowd gathered to honor those who have served our country. The military honors follow with the firing of a threeround volley, the playing of “Taps” and the folding and presenting of the colors. Last year’s speaker was U.S. Marine Corps veteran Sergeant Major Dustin Sargo, who was awarded the Purple Heart in 2010 for valor in Vietnam. He is also Dan and Bonnie Edder’s daughter Leanna’s fiancé, a fitting match for a family so devoted to military ideals. The ceremonial folded flag was presented to Denny Bensur, past commander of the Girard American Legion Post 494. Following the ceremony, the community is invited to gather for lunch at the Girard American Legion to share stories. 10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | West County Edder says the community involvement and enthusiasm for honoring our vets and establishing patriotic displays has been overwhelming. Shortly after he initiated the Honor Project, which placed two American flags and a Veterans Memorial in Girard Cemetery and St. John’s Cemetery in 2010, vandals desecrated the flagpole by tearing it down and stomping on it. Restoration would cost $16,000. “I organized a kickoff in the community and told folks we needed $16,000 in a month,” says Edder. “We raised $32,000 in three weeks.” Edder’s passion for honoring the service and sacrifice of so many vets has left an indelible mark on a community that loves and respects its heroes. High-flying patriotic banners lining Main Street in Girard bear witness to the pride of a hometown that holds its defenders close to the heart. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR NATIONAL TRIBUTES TO VETERANS All photos courtesy of Nancy Schaaf except the Billings family picture which is courtesy of Bonnie Edder. ■