IN West County Spring 2020 | Page 33

PROGRAMS OFFERED BY THE ELK CREEK RECREATION & LEISURE BOARD FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER FOR ANY PROGRAM CALL 774-3519 OR EMAIL [email protected] TO REGISTER ONLINE VISIT: SEARCH FOR THE PROGRAM SELECT AND REGISTER – IT’S THAT EASY (Some programs are not eligible for online registration) Find Us on Facebook teamwork, challenging one’s abilities and knowledge, and the enjoyment of participating in an active and demanding sport. Coaches: Scott Jones/Boys; Bruce Bryan/Girls GATOR SWIM TEAM Cost:       $80/Child Site:        Girard Borough Pool Time:      8:00AM – 11:00AM (Depending on Age) Day:        Monday – Friday Dates:    June 8– July 24, 2020 This program focuses on all levels of the swimming, whether it beginner to advanced. Athletes will be able to foster a foundation for the sport, the importance of technique, as well as a sense of competition. The goal of our program is to provide a fun experience for kids, while keeping them active and involved.  *Must be able to swim length of the pool unassisted* Coaches: Megan Carrig & TBA      Sign Ups:  May 5, 2020:  6PM-7PM @ GHS Cafeteria SWIM LESSONS –*Minimum age is 6 Months* Cost:       $45/Child Site:        GHS Pool Day:        Tuesdays & Thursdays Time:      5:30PM – 8:00PM (1/2 Hr Lessons; times depends on level) Dates:    April 14 – May 7, 2020 Registration:  April 7, 2020 @ GHS Cafeteria 6PM-7PM LIFEGUARDING – RECERTIFICATION Registration: March 5 @ GHS Cafeteria 6PM – 7PM Cost: $140 Site: GHS Pool/Room 202 (Girard High School) Day: Saturdays Dates: March 21, 2020 Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM This course is designed to review the lifeguarding skills and core knowledge water for 2 minutes using only the legs; Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds: Starting in the water, swim 20 yards; Surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object - return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point; Exit the water without using a ladder or steps Instructor: Scott Russell points required to recertify in lifeguarding. Prerequisite: Current Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED Note: If the certificate is expired, participants must take the full Lifeguarding course. Students must bring mask and book.*(CPR INCLUDED)*ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE* Instructor: Scott Russell LIFEGUARDING (Must be 15YRS) Registration: March 5, 2020 @ GHS Cafeteria 6PM-7PM *(CPR INCLUDED)*ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE* Cost: $185 Site: GHS Pool/Health Room Days: Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Dates: May 20 & 21: 4PM-8PM May 23: 12PM – 4PM May 26, 27, & 28: 4PM – 8PM May 30: 8AM Interested in a great summer job or challenging career as a professional lifeguard? Through videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, you’ll learn teamwork, rescue & surveillance skills, First Aid and CPR/AED and other skills you need to work as a professional lifeguard. Successful completion results in a 2-year certification in Lifeguarding that includes first aid, professional-level CPR and AED in one certificate. Prerequisite Testing day: Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 5:00PM Prerequisites: Minimum age: 15 years Swim 300 yards continuously; Tread LITTLE GRIDDERS CHEERLEADING Cost: $70/New (includes uniform) $45/Returning Site: Little Gridders Field Day: Monday – Friday (Practices) Sundays (Games) Time: 6-7:30 (Practices) Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM (Games) Dates: June – October 2020 Age: K - 7th Whether a beginner or experienced, this program will offer the opportunity to learn new cheers and develop new skills in the areas of jumps, teamwork and coordination, while at the same time building self-confidence and encouraging the development of outgoing personality and leadership skills in a positive fun-filled atmosphere. Sign Ups: May 8th & 15th 6PM–7PM @ GHS Coach: Shawnna Coe ALL ART PROGRAMS ARE INSTRUCTED BY ELIZA WOLFE AND LOCATED AT MAIN STREET ART, GIRARD, PA PENCIL DRAWING Cost: $50.00 included materials Dates: February 28 – March 27, 2020 Day: Fridays Time: 6:00PM-7:30PM Using negative space, proportion, shading ACRYLIC PAINTING Cost: $50.00 includes materials Dates: March 7 - March 28, 2020 Day: Saturdays Time: 1:00PM-2:30PM WEST COUNTY ❘ SPRING 2020 31