For homeowners who don’t have
the space for a traditional fireplace,
fire pits make a great feature, creating
a beautiful flame that glows through
crystal rock. They’re available in three
different heights, with a lower coffee
table height, dining table and bar height.
The homeowner also has the option of
selecting wood‑ or gas-burning fire pits.
When the summer heats up, the
prospect of slow-cooking a roast or
searing some ribs is just not as appealing
when you know it’s going to heat
up your house and drive up your air
conditioning bill. Take a tip from our
pioneer ancestors who baked their bread
and cooked their meats outdoors in
the summer in order to maintain a cool
house. This simple idea can really help
keep your home cool during the dog
days of summer, while saving you money
on energy costs.
With an outdoor oven and grill,
barbeques can be a spontaneous dinner
idea, rather than a major event that must
be planned days in advance. The grilling
process gives steaks, chicken, fish and
pork a wonderful smoked flavor, while
reducing the overall fat content.
And it’s not just meats that can benefit
from grilling. Bell peppers, onions,
zucchini and tons of other vegetables
take on a wonderful flavor when tossed
lightly with olive oil, wrapped in foil and
cooked on a grill.
With an outdoor kitchen, grilling
is not just for summer either. With a
covering for rainy days and outdoor
heating available, it can be used virtually
year round. Although just a simple oven
and grill can change the way you live, a
sink with running water and an added
fridge can really make cooking outdoors
For entertaining, the outdoor kitchen
offers a way that you can spend time with
your guests while preparing the meal.
There’s also an entire line of in-ground
sound equipment and specially made
outdoor TVs for entertaining. The
televisions are completely waterproof
and three times as bright as a normal
TV, so they can be viewed even in
strong direct sunlight.
If your family always seems to be
darting about in different directions,
perhaps a game room might entice
them to spend a bit more time at the
old homestead.
A ping-pong table is a great way to
get some exercise on rainy days and
evenings, and a Wii will also get your
family off the couch for a workout. If
you’ve always thought you didn’t have
the space for a pool table, it may be
easier to fit than you think. Tables come
in 7, 8, 8.5 and 9-ft. options.
Above all, your game room should
reflect who you are. It can be fun and
funky or classy and elegant. It’s all up
to you!
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