Some of these animals such as hawks , owls , and all other birds of prey are protected by federal law . Harassment of these animals is prohibited by law and violators face arrest and / or fines . Harassment includes approaching nesting areas too close , attempting to startle a bird into flight to get that great picture , lingering too long , and shouting or yelling to get an animal ’ s attention .
We are approaching spring migration which will provide many opportunities for visitors to view a variety of migrating species . We require all visitors to practice proper viewing etiquette , so a great experience will be shared by all .
For more information , contact the Park Office located on the second floor of the Tom Ridge Environmental Center at 814.833.7424 between 8 a . m . and 4 p . m ., weekdays .
Now Showing on the Big Green Screen
The Big Green Screen Theater at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center offers vivid images , dynamic sound and captivating films for the entire family . Experience the only large-format theater in northwest Pennsylvania with its 4-story high , 45-feetwide screen that brings you as close to reality as you can get without being there .
Now Showing :
“ Walking with Dinosaurs : Prehistoric Planet ” is an epic and intimate story that follows a herd of Pachyrhinosaurus youngsters as they struggle through the seasons and challenges of growing up in a prehistoric world .
“ Lewis & Clark : Great Journey West ” depicts one of the most compelling and heroic adventure stories in history . The Corps of Discovery explorers led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark travel into uncharted territory to find a water passageway to the Pacific Ocean and describe for science the wonders of the West .
“ Journey to Space ” celebrates the Space Shuttle program , International Space Station and their vital contributions to the technical and human knowledge that will enable our species to travel deeper into space , to asteroids , Mars and beyond .
Go to trecpi . org / learn / greenscreen . html to see updated dates and times .
Natural Impressions 6th Annual Mixed Media Student Art Competition —“ All Things that Flower ”
First graders through college students are invited to participate with 8x10 ” photography , mixed media paper and canvas , clay and tabletop sculptures . Register at events . dcnr . pa . gov / presque _ isle _ state _ park by March 30 .
An award presentation will be held April 28 from 6 to 8 p . m . at the Tom Ridge
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