IN West County Fall 2018 | Page 32

ELK CREEK RECREATION AND LEISURE BOARD 2018 FALL PROGRAMS The Elk Creek Recreation and Leisure Board is comprised of appointed members from the municipalities of Girard Township, Girard Borough and Lake City Borough as well as members from the Girard School District and one Member at Large. A paid Director is in charge of running the programs. The focus of the Board is to coordinate and facilitate programs for youth as well as adults in the area to participate in. Register on line at POOL PARTIES Cost: $130 –Residents* $150 –Non–Residents* *Plus $30 deposit Site: GHS Pool Dates: September 2018 – May 2019 Call to check availability ALL YOGA PROGRAMS ARE TAUGHT BY CHELSEA MCQUAID E–RYT 200, RYT 500 YOGA 1 – Mondays Day: Mondays Time: 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Site: EVES Music Room Dates: September 10 –November 12 (10 classes) Cost: $100 Learn the foundation of a practice that can create ease in your body and mind! Please bring a mat. Sign Up: August 30th @ GHS Cafeteria 6 p.m.–7 p.m. YOGA 1 – Wednesdays Day: Wednesdays Time: 5:45 p.m. –6:45 p.m. Site: EVES Music Room Dates: September 12 –November 14 (9 classes) NO CLASS OCTOBER 31 Cost: $90 Learn the foundation of a practice that can create ease in your body and mind! Please bring a mat. Sign Up: August 30th @ GHS Cafeteria 6 p.m.–7 p.m. 30 WEST COUNTY MEDITATION GROUP – Wednesdays Day: Wednesdays Time: 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Site: EVES Music Room Dates: September 12 –November 14 (9 classes) NO CLASS OCTOBER 31 Cost: $90 Clear your mind with a variety of techniques to bring you peace! Sign Up: August 30th @ GHS Cafeteria 6 p.m.–7 p.m. KIDDING AROUND YOGA WITH YOGI CHELSEA Day: Mondays Dates: September 10 – November 12 (10 classes) Cost: $100 Site: EVES Music Room Age: Pre–K – 4th Grade Time: 5 p.m.–6 p.m. Teach your kids the ancient practice of flexibility for body and mind! With music, crafts, and more! Please bring a mat Sign Up: August 30th @ GHS Cafeteria 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY Program Coordinators: AJ & Jason Balogh Cost: $35/First Child $25/Second Child Site: Various County Locations Day: Mondays & Wednesdays Time: 6 p.m. –7 p.m. Dates: August 13 –October 24, 2018 Age: K –5th Grade Develop strong mental skills and build an improved sense of discipline towards running. Maintain a high level of fun and enjoyment throughout the program.