IN West Allegheny Winter 2018 | Page 11

SPONSORED CONTENT BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SPONSORED CONTENT Attorney Michele Conti —Treating Your Family Like Her Own elieving that the law is for everyone has been a driving force for Attorney Michele Conti throughout her career, leading her to clients ranging from children to senior citizens and everyone in between. She’s a fi rm believer that legal services should be aff ordable and accessible to all. And, in practicing what she preaches, she’s one of the few working professionals in her fi eld who actually makes house calls as opposed to forcing clients to come to her. “A lot of businesses say they treat their clients like family, but with us, that really is the case,” Conti said. “I meet clients in their homes and we discuss some of the most diffi cult topics imaginable around their kitchen table, just like any family would. When a client is comfortable, we are provided a rare insight allowing us to be privy to their concerns and overall goals, which permits us to better help them, more so than if they were in a sterile offi ce environment.” And even for those who come to her, in Conti’s offi ce you’ll fi nd her grandma’s kitchen table, wobbly legs and all. B “I’m a believer that legal services should be aff ordable and accessible to all.” Attorney Michelle Conti meets with families around their kitchen table or hers. guardianship proceedings for both minors and incapacitated adults. These are cases where a minor or the client’s parent or adult child is incapable of signing a power of attorney or has a power of attorney in place that hasn’t been updated with the recent law changes. The receipt of an inheritance, the retirement of a primary care doctor or a bank’s rejection of an old document could cause the Court’s involvement to determine who can make a legal decision for these folks.” From age 50 and up, clients are looking at services in regard to taking care of their aging parents and their own estate planning needs. “A lot of my clients have been executors of a parent’s estate and know fi rsthand what a challenge that can be. And they don’t want to put that burden on their loved ones,” Conti said. “It doesn’t matter if they’re married or single; having everything planned eliminates confusion and makes things easier on those you leave behind. I’d rather my clients have the documents and not need them rather than need them and not have them.” For more information on Michele Conti and what she can do for you, call her today for a free, consultation at 724.203.0163. Her offi ce is located at 993 Brodhead Road, Suite #202, in Moon Township, 15108. Please visit her at Some of the services she most frequently provides that everyone should have, regardless of age and net worth, include powers of attorney, estate planning and elder law advice, which, along with tax law, are the focal points of her practice. But the truth is, people require certain legal protections at every stage of life that can protect them and their families in the event of unforeseen circumstances. When asked about those who are unable to update their documents, Conti explained, “We are retained to handle many WEST ALLEGHENY ❘ WINTER 2018 9