BETHEL PARK TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY Date : Nov . 29 Time : 6:45 p . m . Address : Bethel Park Community Center , 5151 Park Avenue , Bethel Park Contact : bethelpark . net , or 412.831.1328
Welcome the holiday season with family , friends and neighbors at the Bethel Park Tree Lighting Ceremony ! Take the kids to see Santa , enjoy live holiday music , refreshments and more . Visit the website for more information .
BRENTWOOD LIGHT UP NIGHT Date : TBA . Check the website . Address : Brentwood Towne Square , Towne Square Way , Brentwood Contact : brentwoodboro . com , or 412.884.2600
Share some holiday joy with family and friends at Brentwood Light up Night ! The event features live musical performances , a festive parade , local vendors , children ’ s activities , and the lighting of the borough tree and lamppost decorations . Visit the website for a schedule of activities and other information . Sponsored by Brentwood Borough and the Brentwood Business Owners Association .
DORMONT VFD CHRISTMAS PARADE , COOKIES WITH SANTA AND LIGHT UP DORMONT Date : Dec . 2 Time : 9 a . m . to 6 p . m . Address : Various locations throughout Dormont Contact : boro . dormont . pa . us , or 412.561.8900
Wow ! A full day of holiday fun for the whole family . Start off with the Dormont Volunteer Fire Department Christmas parade , have cookies with Santa at the Dormont Recreation Center , then participate in Light Up Night ! Visit the website for more information .
KENNYWOOD HOLIDAY LIGHTS Dates : Check the website for the December dates of operation . Address : 4800 Kennywood Boulevard , West Mifflin Contact : kennywood . com , or 412.461.0500
Enjoy the most wonderful time of the year at Kennywood ! See the park transformed with nearly two million dazzling lights . Enjoy songs of the holidays performed by local choirs and the spectacular light show on the lagoon choreographed to favorite holiday melodies . Visit Santa , ride the Gingerbread Express and more ! Visit the website for more information .
LIGHT UP GREEN TREE Date : Dec . 2 Time : 5 to 7 p . m . Address : Green Tree Municipal Center , 10 West Manilla Avenue , Green Tree Contact : greentreeboro . com , or 412.921.1110
Celebrate at Green Tree ’ s kick-off event to the holidays ! Enjoy caroling , treats , ice carving , entertainment , and , of course , a special visit from Santa and Mrs . Claus . Check the website for more details .
PETERS TOWNSHIP TREE LIGHTING Date : Dec . 3 Time : 6 p . m . Address : Peters Township Municipal Complex / Library , 616 East McMurray Road , McMurray
Contact : peterstownship . com , or
724.942.5000 Bring your family and enjoy the tree lighting ceremony and holiday party ! Listen to holiday caroling , welcome Santa as he arrives on a shiny fire truck and enjoy a craft and refreshments . All ages welcome . Visit the website for more details .
SCOTT TOWNSHIP TREE LIGHTING Date : Dec . 7 Time : 6:30 p . m . Address : Scott Park Amphitheatre , 301 Lindsay Road , Scott Township Contact : scott-twp . com / events , or 412.276.5300
Enjoy Santa , carols , hot chocolate and more ! Visit the website for more information .
AMERICAN GIRL HOLIDAY CRAFTS AT BETHEL PARK LIBRARY Date : Dec . 3 ( Pre-registration is required .) Time : 2 p . m . Address : 5100 West Library Avenue , Bethel Park Contact : bethelparklibrary . org , or 412.835.2207
These easy and fun DIY crafts for you and your doll are sure to get you in the holiday spirit . Be sure to bring your doll along for a fun photo op ! Visit the website for information on pre-registration and other details .
BRENTWOOD LIBRARY ’ S 5TH ANNUAL COOKIE EXCHANGE Date : Dec . 19 ( Pre-registration is required .) Time : 6:30 to 8:30 p . m . Address : 3501 Brownsville Road , Brentwood Contact : brentwoodpubliclibrary . org , or 412.882.5694
This is a great way to make an impressive cookie platter for all of your holiday entertaining ! Arrive with six dozen of the same kind of cookies , then we ’ ll begin building our trays with a variety of goodies . Oh , and we ’ ll
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