IN Upper St. Clair Winter 2016 | Page 10

The Statue Custodian will discuss how the message of Fatima applies to our country and the world today , and explain what we can do to earn the blessings on our country that Our Lady promised if her requests are fulfilled .
On Oct . 13 , 1917 , God worked a spectacular miracle in Fatima , Portugal , to prove Our Blessed Lady was appearing to three little shepherd children with an important message for our time . This miracle took place in front of 70,000 people including newspaper reporters , all of whom testified that it actually happened . Two leading secular newspapers of Portugal gave complete accounts of the miracle as witnessed by their reporters . The History Channel on television described this as a verified authentic mysterious historical event .
On Nov . 18 , 2016 , the World Apostolate of Fatima , Our Lady ’ s Blue Army , is bringing to the parish the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the USA . This beautiful Image of Our Lady of Fatima was blessed by Blessed Pope Paul VI and given to our country by the Bishop of Fatima to carry the important message of Fatima to the United States . It is a message St . Pope John Paul II said is more important today than ever !
All are invited and encouraged to come and see this beautiful Statue of Our Lady of Fatima and learn Our Lady ’ s message for obtaining peace and putting an end to moral corruption afflicting our country .
Jewish Kids Club is an after-school club for children ages 4-11 . Join the fall six-week session — International Kosher Flavor — Mondays , Dec . 5 , 12 , and 19 from 4:30 to 5:30 p . m . Learn about Jewish Life around the world while cooking the flavors . Cost is $ 10 / a class ; $ 50 / for full session . For more information call 412.344.2424 or www . chabadsh . com .
Chabad of the South Hills Hosts Shabbat
Around the World First Stop : Italy , Friday , Dec . 2 , 6 p . m . $ 18 / Individual or $ 54 / Family ( maximum ) Reserve online at www . chabadsh . com or call 412.344.2424 . Second Stop : China , Friday , Jan . 13 , 2017 , $ 18 / Individual or $ 54 / Family ( maximum ) Reserve online at www . chabadsh . com or call 412.344.2424 .
Sign Up for Babyccino
Babyccino is a chic meet for mod moms and their tots . Explore the hub of any good neighborhood , the Jewish Home . Join in as we discover the many mitvas to be found around the house , and the miracle of Chanukah through creative music and movement , expressive arts , crafts , sensory stimulants and heaps of interactive fun !
Mondays from 10 to 11 a . m ., Dec . 5 , 12 and 19 , at Chabad of the South Hills , $ 7 / class or $ 18 for full session . For questions or for more information , please contact Mussie Rosenblum at mussie @ chabadsh . com or 412.344.2424 .
Anniversary Kickoff Celebration
To celebrate five years of transforming lives through the power of dance , Yes , You Can Dance ! ( YYCD ) hosted an anniversary kickoff celebration , Saturday , Nov . 5 . The celebration brought together YYCD students , volunteers and supporters for refreshments and , of course , dancing !
The event took place at The Boiler Room in Pittsburgh . Chris Roth , Director of Curriculum and Instruction , was honored for his outstanding service and significant contributions to YYCD .
“ This is the first of several exciting events and we are thrilled to mark the start of our yearlong anniversary celebration by honoring Chris Roth ,” said Deborah Fidel , Executive Director , YYCD . “ He has developed our curricula from the ground up and has helped us build the Yes , You Can Dance ! community to include Special Needs Ballroom , MS Ballroom and Senior Socials .”
Susan Fancsali , USA National Miss Pennsylvania 2017 , was in attendance at the event .
In addition , YYCD announced Deborah Rosen Fidel as the organization ’ s first full-time executive director . Based in Mt . Lebanon , YYCD offers classes in both the South Hills and North Hills .
The new executive director will take Yes , You Can Dance ! to the next level as it celebrates its five-year anniversary . The
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