IN Upper St. Clair Summer 2016 | Page 25



Warmer weather attracts different roadway users so stay extra aware Did you know : in 2011 , 4 , 432 pedestrians and 677 bicyclists were killed in crashes with motor vehicles ? 1 Tips for sharing the road : n Don ’ t assume that pedestrians see you or that they ’ ll act predictably . n If you expect to see pedestrians , you are more likely to detect them . Often we filter out things we don ’ t expect to see , so always look for pedestrians , especially at intersections .
Don ’ t let the summer heat burn up your car battery Did you know : heat causes battery fluid to evaporate damaging the internal structure of a battery ? 2 Tips to get the most life out of a battery : n Monitor your car for signs of a weak battery , which include dimming lights , accessories not functioning properly , or the battery indicator light remaining on . n Keep the top of the battery clean . Dirt becomes a conductor , which drains battery power and as corrosion accrues on battery terminals it becomes an insulator , restricting current flow .
Check your tires regularly for signs of excessive wear and proper inflation Did you know : vehicles driving on tires underinflated by more than 25 % are three times more likely to be involved in a crash ? 1
Tips for checking your tires : n Make sure tires are inflated to the manufacturer ’ s recommended air pressure , which typically can be found in your owner ’ s manual or on the inside of the car door . n Place a penny head down in the groove between the treads . If you can see the top of Lincoln ’ s head , your tire probably needs to be replaced .
Drive more efficiently to avoid paying higher summer gas prices Did you know : 14-30 % of the energy from the fuel you put in a conventional vehicle is used to drive it ? The rest of the energy is lost to engine and driveline inefficiencies or used to power accessories . 3 Tips to improve your fuel efficiency : n Drive sensibly and less aggressively . Speeding , rapidily accelerating and braking can lower gas mileage by 33 % at highway speeds . n Observe the speed limit . Gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 50mph .
Educate your teens on the risks of unsafe driving Did you know : July is the deadliest month for teenage drivers ? 2,823 teenagers died in 2012 , 10 % of which happened in July . 4 n Create a formal Teen Driving Contract outlining the rules consequences associated with driving privileges . n Set a driving curfew . 40 % of teen auto deaths occur between the hours of 9 pm and 6 am . 5
For more tips and information , contact your Farmers Insurance agent .
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1 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , www-nrd . nhtsa . dot . gov / Pubs / 811755DS . pdf 2 Car Care Council , carcare . org 3 U . S . Department of Energy , energy . gov / public-services / vehicles / 4 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , iihs . org 5 National
The information provided is general in nature and was obtained from various sources . Although we believe the information to be reliable and accurate we do not warrant its accuracy or reliability . We do not make any guarantee of results from its use or assume any liability in connection with either the information or the loss control suggestions made . Not every acceptable precaution or loss control procedure is contained in this material . Please recognize that a particular precaution may not be appropriate or effective in every circumstance . We encourage you to use your own good judgment about what ’ s appropriate . The information contained herein does not affect any policy contract . Whether a particular loss is covered depends on the specific facts and the provisions , exclusions and limits of your policy . When appropriate , you should consult a licensed qualified professional to perform various loss control measures . For more information please visit ibhs . org
This Industry Insight was provided by Ted Ferdinand .
Call me today to see how much we can save you by bundling your Home and Auto Insurance !
Ted Ferdinand / Farmers Insurance 375 Valley Brook Rd . Suite 104 Canonsburg , PA 15317 412.532.1059 EFERDINAND @ FARMERSAGENT . COM
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