IN Upper St. Clair Spring 2016 | Page 12

in the LOOP What’s news in Upper St. Clair UPPER ST. CLAIR’S PAINTERS RUN ROAD CLOSED FOR STABILIZATION PROJECT The Allegheny County Department of Public Works has announced a closure of Painters Run Road in Upper St. Clair Township until late August 2016. The closure is necessary to perform a roadway stabilization project with the construction of two soldier pile and lagging walls. The closure is being done in two phases; the first one began Monday, February 15, between McMillan Road and Robb Hollow Road. Work on the first phase is expected to be complete, and the roadway reopened, by the end of May. The second closure will take place once the first phase is complete. That closure will be between Essen Hill and McMillan Road, with the roadway anticipated to be reopened in August. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. The detour route will utilize Robb Hollow Road and Bower Hill Road. This $2.35 million project is being completed by Carman Paliotta Contracting of South Park. JOIN THE 2016 GREAT AMERICAN CLEANUP OF PA FROM MARCH 1 THROUGH MAY 31 The 2016 Great American Cleanup of PA runs from March 1 through May 31. During this period, registered events can get trash 10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Upper St. Clair bags, gloves and safety vests from PennDOT district offices, as supplies last. Events include litter cleanups, illegal dump cleanups, beautification projects, special collections and educational events. As part of this event, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association will sponsor “Let’s Pick It Up PA” – every day from April 16 to May 9. During the Pick It Up PA days, registered events will be able to take the trash collected during their cleanup to participating landfills for reduced or free disposal. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES HOLDS ANNUAL ‘PROJECT PROM’ EVENTS Be a Part of the Magic! The Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ (DHS) annual Project Prom giveaway of prom attire to eligible high school students begins with the Gown Giveaway kickoff on Saturday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Project Prom Shop in Century III Mall, West Mifflin. The gown giveaway continues March 7-11 and March 15-17, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily. An assortment of free beautiful gowns of all colors and styles will be distributed to teens who meet the eligibility requirements. The teens will have plenty of options in brand-new and gently used prom gowns. There will also be a selection of accessories, such as purses and jewelry, to accompany the gowns. Volunteers will be available to assist during the shopping experience. Preregistration is not required. To be eligible, high school students must live in Allegheny County and meet one of the following requirements: • receive services through child welfare, or mental health or intellectual disability services, or receive substance use disorder (drug & alcohol) treatment;