at a grocery store, which then allowed her to
pay off the parking tickets. It was a win-win
for everyone involved.
Because of work like that, Bates
was recently honored by receiving the
Pennsylvania Bar Foundation’s Louis J.
Goffman Award for her outstanding pro
bono support and service. While she would
be the first to admit that she never devotes
an ounce of her efforts towards garnering
recognition for them, she appreciates the fact
that visibility can encourage more people
to help. And, as an affirmation that the work
she is doing is worthwhile and life-changing,
Bates continues to strive for those who seek
out her assistance.
As chair of the Washington County Bar
Association’s Pro Bono department, Bates
recently initiated the Pro Bono Attorney of
the Year Award to recognize those attorneys
who devote their time to helping those who
cannot afford their services. The hope is
that, over time, more and more attorneys
like herself will step up to help the growing
numbers of those less fortunate who need
help the most.
“One of my favorite quotes is [Thomas]
Edison’s, ‘If we all did what we are capable
of, we would literally astound ourselves,’” she
said. “These are wise words said by a wise
While Bates works tirelessly at the
Washington City Mission and the legal clinic
to do more than her fair share of assisting
those individuals, she understands that
she alone cannot help the homeless, and
advocates that anyone can help the City
Mission or other causes no matter what
their vocation. Donations of time, clothing,
necessities, or talent can all be ways that
individuals can help change a life for the
better, and Bates wants to encourage others
to help out where they can.
In that respect, she, her husband, Daniel,
and their four children, Adam, Megan,
Angelina and Nicholas, all are excellent
emissaries for the Mission’s work with their
get-things-done attitude and contagious
enthusiasm for the work they do. Her
husband and the rest of their South Hills
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Assembly of God motorcycle ministry ride
to the Mission on Saturday mornings to help
serve breakfast to the residents. This rolling
thunder of do-gooders demonstrate to all
that helping those less fortunate doesn’t have
to be a lonely calling, and that community,
fellowship and good-will all go hand-in-hand
to the betterment of all.
In her free time, Bates and her family are
passionate about travelling, and seeing the
world gives them a perspective that not
only refreshes them, but reinforces their
commitment to their work back home.
“I backpacked in Tibet for about three
weeks by myself, before I was married.
I travelled to the first base camp on the
Tibetan side of Mount Everest, Chomolama.
I have also travelled in Morocco, Monaco,
France, Australia, India, Germany, Italy,
Spain, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Austria,
Thailand, Nepal, Taiwan, and England,” Bates
Travelling not only allows Bates to see the
wonders of the world but also re-energizes
her when she gets back to the country she
loves the most to do the work that makes the
most difference. ■