IN Upper St. Clair Fall 2019 | Page 43

SPECIAL SECTION: EDUCATION potential gaps in understanding, and provide feedback on learning progress. One exciting feature that will dramatically enhance technology capabilities in the classroom is the integration of 5G technology. Predicted to be ubiquitous by 2020, 5G technology allows for data speeds almost 1,000 percent faster than 4G, empowering educators with the ability to provide a seamless platform for limitless learning. 5G will allow for applications to run without fail or interruption, download speeds to increase dramatically, and a significantly greater number of devices to be able to connect without delays. Just another exciting way technology is expected to enhance learning. EARLY EDUCATION The next generation is starting to have children. This generation grew up in the 1980s and early 1990s, when televisions were “old news” and computers were just starting to creep into people’s homes. Gen Yers, as they’ve been named, can still vividly remember the sound of the dial-up tone as they anticipated the number of emails that would rush into their inbox once the modem finally connected. For these new parents, the answer to any question is, and almost always was, just a click away. These parents are aware of the benefits of early childhood learning and of the plethora of options available to them. In addition, shifting demographic patterns, with an increase in two working parents and single-parent households, are calling for affordable options for child care. As the importance and positive impact that early childhood education has on toddlers is realized, the demand for early education options continues to increase and expand offerings. A few key focus areas have been identified as important initiatives that will shape the young minds of the future, including early literacy, technology in the classroom, and emotional, cognitive, social early learning (ECSEL). Early literacy teaches children letter recognition, word sounds, vocabulary, and awareness of storytelling. Each of these key fundamental elements helps lay the groundwork for success in reading in the future. Early literacy programs can also be found at local libraries as a way for parents to engage their children even if they are not enrolled in a preschool program. Technology is something our children must learn and understand to succeed today. But it is important for technology in the classroom to be used properly and not abused. Early childhood educators are combining technologies with other types of play and hands-on activities to get the most out of the tools available to them. Such tools allow for young learners to work cooperatively on learning activities with the use of technology to enhance their lessons. ECSEL focuses on teaching children how to understand and manage emotions to become more confident, resilient, and understanding, which are all critical to the success of a young learner. Laying the foundation to build an early understanding of feelings and emotions allows children to better recognize emotions in others and how to cope with them. These valuable life skills add a tremendous amount of value to a young child’s understanding of healthy relationships with his/her peers.   ■ ® TURN YOUR YARD INTO AN OASIS All the supplies you need! Whether you’re doing a complete landscape make-over, or beautifying your yard, Steel Nation Environmental has the Allan Block pavers, and retaining wall materials you need for the job. We also offer: Shredded & Chipped Mulch • Mushroom Manure Top Soil & Seed • Aggregate & Decorative Stone Your retaining wall and paver headquarters! Steel Nation Environmental 1652 Route 519 Canonsburg, PA 15317 (724)745-8001 UPPER ST. CLAIR ❘ FALL 2019 41