Festival Fever!
Psychic Medium at Baldwin
Borough Public Library:
An Evening with Reverend
Marjorie Rivera
Date: Oct. 25
Address: 5230 Wolfe Drive, Baldwin
Contact: baldwinborolibrary.org
Rev. Marjorie Rivera will share the story
of her gift and engage several audience
members in a demonstration of her work.
Support this library fundraiser and enjoy a
thought-provoking event! Visit the website
for information on purchasing tickets and
other details.
South Fayette Township Movies
in the Park – Girls’ Movie Night
Date: Oct. 3
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Address: Fairview Park, 129 Greenwood
Drive, South Fayette
Contact: southfayettepa.com
Featuring “Mean Girls,” an American
teen comedy film directed by Mark Waters,
written by Tina Fey, and released in April
2004. Watch this movie on a big screen
in Fairview Park as part of a free outdoor
film series. Remember to bring a blanket
or chair and bug spray. Visit the website for
more information.
Ideas &
Rotary Club of Upper St. Clair-
Bethel Park 31st Annual Rotary
Chicken BBQ
Date: Sept. 21
Address: Westminster Church,
2040 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair
Contact: portal.clubrunner.ca/5025
This tasty event is scheduled rain or
shine. Enjoy BBQ chicken, baked beans,
coleslaw, roll, dessert and drink for an
affordable fee. Eat in, drive through, or
take out. This event supports the club’s
charitable causes. Visit the website for
more information.
St. Thomas More Arts &
Crafts Show
Date: Oct. 5
Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Address: St. Thomas More Church,
126 Fort Couch Road, Bethel Park
Contact: [email protected],
or stmpgh.org (Please don’t call
the parish office.)
G ood o rthodontics
Featuring holiday items, jewelry,
soaps, knitting, candy, unique crafts
plus food and homemade soup! Visit
the website for more information.
West Jefferson Hills
Historical Society presents
‘Idlewild: The History and
Memories of Pennsylvania’s
Oldest Amusement Park’ by
Jennifer Sopko
Date: Sept. 25
Time: 7 p.m.
Address: Jefferson Hills Municipal
Building Community Rooms,
925 Old Clairton Road, Clairton
Contact: sites.google.com/site/
WJHHS invites society and
community members to hear
about and relive the thrills and
amusements of Idlewild that have
delighted generations of families
since the late 1800s. Developed by
the Mellon family as a picnic grove,
Idlewild expanded over the years
to include rides, entertainments,
and other attractions. Author
and historian Jennifer Sopko will
tell the heartwarming history of
Pennsylvania’s oldest amusement
park. Her book will also be available
for purchase. n
c Didn’t see your favorite fall event or activity
Excellence is a GOOD choice!
Robert F. Good, II, D.M.D., M.D.S.
Ronald S. Good, D.M.D., M.S.
Board Certified Orthodontic Specialists
111 Washington Street
Washington, PA 15301
Pleasant Hills
22 Old Clairton Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Mount Lebanon
677 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
listed? Help us include it next time! Email
[email protected] with the information.
c We do our best to make sure the events
listed are accurate, but always check the
website for the most updated information.
Orthodontists receive an additional two to three years of
specialized education beyond dental school to learn the proper
way to align and straighten teeth. To learn more, visit
See More Than A Smile.
See An Orthodontist.
FALL 2019