Festival Fever!
darkness begins to fall over Kennywood...
and Phantom Fright Nights return. The
award-winning spectacle of terror has
been recognized by USA Today for being
among the best theme park Halloween
events in the country, and was also named
to Amusement Today’s Golden Ticket
Awards list of the best Halloween theme
park events. For more information, visit the
Pumpkin Patch Trolley
Dates: Check the website for a variety of
October dates.
Address: Pennsylvania Trolley Museum,
1 Museum Road, Washington
Contact: pa-trolley.org
Enjoy the fall season while riding on
decorated trolleys! The trolleys will take
families to the Trolley Display building
where they can tour the large collection
of trolleys. Children can select a pumpkin
from the pumpkin patch then take it to
the events room for decorating. There will
be children’s games and complimentary
refreshments. Add to the fall fun by
dressing up in your favorite costume.
Check the website for more details.
Spooktacular at Caste Village
Date: Tentative event—visit the website
for more information.
Address: Caste Village Shopping Center,
5301 Grove Road, Whitehall
Contact: castevillage.com
A day of family fun with pumpkin
painting, hayrides, trick or treating and
costume contests! Check the website for
more details.
‘Blithe Spirit’ presented by Little
Lake Theatre
Dates: Oct. 17-Nov. 2
Address: 500 Lakeside Drive South,
Contact: littlelake.org
The smash comedy hit of the London
and Broadway stages, “Blithe Spirit” offers
up fussy, cantankerous novelist Charles
Condomine, re-married but haunted
(literally) by the ghost of his late first
wife, Elvira, who is called up by a visiting
“happy medium”: one Madame Arcati. As
the personalities clash, Charles’ current
wife, Ruth, is accidentally killed, “passes
over” and joins Elvira, and the two “blithe
spirits” haunt the hapless Charles into
perpetuity in this hilarious classic from the
playwright of “Hay Fever.” Visit the website
for information on purchasing tickets and
more details.
Hollywood & Bollywood
presented by River City
Brass Band
2559 Washington Road
Suite 510
Summerfield Commons
Upper St. Clair, PA 15241
500 South Aiken Avenue
Suite 104
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Address: Upper St. Clair High
School, 1825 McLaughlin Run Road,
Upper St. Clair
Contact: rivercitybrass.org
Hollywood continues to produce a
treasure trove of fabulous music, but there’s
a whole other world of movie music that’s
a little less familiar to Western audiences
and no less amazing: the music of India’s
Bollywood. RCB’s concert will reacquaint
you with old favorites by John Williams,
Ennio Morricone and Danny Elfman, but
also introduce you to the spicy sounds of
“Meera Joota Hai Japani,” “Jai Ho,” and
“Badtameez Dil,” sung by Akshay Hari.
Out of this World presented by the
Washington Symphony Orchestra
Date: Oct. 12
Address: Trinity High School, 231 Park
Avenue, Washington
Contact: washsym.org
“Serving the Greater Pittsburgh
& Surrounding Areas”
Take a trip to the moon and beyond
the stars with the talented WSO! Visit the
website for information on purchasing
tickets and more details.
‘War of the Worlds – The Panic
Broadcast’ presented by South
Park Theatre
Dates: Sept. 18-Oct. 5
Address: Corner of Brownsville Road
and Corrigan Drive, South Park
Contact: southparktheatre.com
An alien invasion throws humanity into
chaos in the classic sci-fi novel “The War
of the Worlds,” but all it took to cause a bit
of real-life panic in the streets was Orson
Welles’ 1938 radio adaptation, which some
listeners mistook for news. The WBFR
radio ensemble recreates the colorful
events surrounding the infamous evening,
including the full original broadcast! Visit
the website for more information.
Brick Repair & Replacement
Lintel/I-Beam Replacements
Chimney Rebuilding & Repointing
Whole & Partial House Pointing
[email protected]
Continued on next page >
PA HIC# PA029487
FALL 2019