IN Upper St. Clair Fall 2019 | Page 24

Maintain Your Independence You have capably managed your financial affairs your whole life. Now is the time to align yourself with a trusted advisor who can help you manage finances that have become complicated, over- whelming, or simply a burden. Our Trust Officers can provide: • Monthly bill payment • Coordination of personal income tax preparation and payment of estimates • Insurance analysis, monitoring and premium payment • Careful review of unsolicited offers • Investment consultation Contact your local Trust Representative to see how we can help. Harold Migias, JD Drew Ecklund, CPFA Sr. Vice President & Senior Trust Officer Office: 724-909-7055 Mobile: 304-312-4619 Vice President & Sr. Trust Officer Office: 724-909-7314 Mobile: 724-244-8988 WesBanco Bank, Inc. is a Member FDIC. WesBanco Trust and Investment Services may invest in insured deposits or nondeposit investment products. Nondeposit investment products are not FDIC insured, not bank guaranteed, not insured by any government entity and are subject to investment risk, including the risk of possible loss of the principal amount invested. ACADEMY OF PODIATRY General Podiatry: Medical & Surgical Treatment of the Foot & Ankle John M. Jason A. Zach M. Kristin J. Phil W. D.P.M. D.P.M. D.P.M. D.P.M. D.P.M. Snyder Hughes Thomas Thomas Brown New Laser Therapy For Fungal Toenails Your Home. Are Your Real Estate Needs Being Taken Seriously!?! Our Priority... Top 1% of Realtors Howard Hanna PA National Sales Excellence Award Multi-Million Dollar Diabetic Foot Care Producers Most Insurances Accepted Quality Service Let Us Keep You On Your Toes Visit “THE FOOT STORE” in Bethel Park for a large selection of custom fitted shoes, diabetic socks & insoles Bring this ad in to receive 20% off on selected shoes Award Homes of Distinction Specialist DANIELLE & JEFF MACH Your home. Our priority. To Buy, Build, Or Sell... Contact Us Today! Danielle 412.302.4184 BETHEL PARK 5841 Library Road 412.831.1515 22 DORMONT 2882 W. Liberty Ave. 412.531.9990 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE ❘ WHITE OAK 1976 Lincoln Way 412.896.8019 Jeff 412.559.5090 DANIELLEMACH.HOWARDHANNA.COM JEFFMACH.HOWARDHANNA.COM