IN Upper St. Clair Fall 2019 | Page 13

INDUSTRY INSIGHT DENTAL HEALTH SPONSORED CONTENT Converting Your Dentures to a Non-Removable Smile A lthough more than 60 million people in the United States alone have dentures, both dentists and patients frequently report complications and frustrations with ill-fi tting removable prosthetics. In fact, study after study shows the majority of denture wearers are unhappy with their current dentures and desire improvements in the appearance, function, as well as in the comfort of their dentures. If you are a current denture wearer you are probably well aware of the possible inadequacies pertaining to the fi t, retention, and comfort of false teeth. For many years the only option available to you if you had missing teeth was traditional dentures. Thankfully, with the many advances in dental technology there is new hope for unhappy denture wearers, and the inconveniences associated with ill- fi tting dentures need no longer to be suff ered by anyone. Imagine never having to worry again about slipping dentures, sore spots, or having to apply thick, messy denture adhesive. Imagine having greater functionality again with your teeth and being able to chew foods not permitted with traditional dentures. Imagine not having a mouth full of acrylic and being able to fully enjoy the taste of all your food! With an implant-supported non- removable prosthetic known as All-on-4, that wishful thinking is now a reality! By converting your denture to a non- removable smile, you can dramatically improve the quality of your life and traditional bulky dentures no longer have to be your only solution to missing teeth. and eliminates the nasty taste and expense of denture adhesives and those dreaded painful sore spots. The doctors and staff here at South Hills Dental Arts know fi rsthand the diff erence All-on-4 can make in a person’s life. To fi nd out if you are a good candidate for All-on-4 dental implants or other dental implant procedures, contact our offi ce to schedule a consult appointment and we’ll help you achieve a smile that will last a lifetime! What exactly is All-on-4? A modern dental miracle, All-on-4 is a full dental bridge supported by only four to six dental implants providing you with a more secure and comfortable fi t. The exact number of implants is dependent on varying factors such as the strength of the bone, the determination of a 3D scan, and whether it’s for an upper or lower arch. Once the implants have been placed and integrated, the prosthetic is then screwed onto the implants. The fi nal result is a much more natural feeling and looking set of new teeth. A whole new world has opened up with dental implants for both patient and dentist and the advantages are vast. Normal chewing forces can be completely restored and you never have to take your teeth out again. In addition, the implants help prevent any further bone loss by providing solid structural support on the jaw bone which in turn improves facial structure and appearance. Another big advantage to opting for an implant-supported denture like All-on-4 over a traditional denture is that it’s much less bulky. A traditional denture covers your entire palate whereas a dental implant-supported denture or prosthetic does not need that extra material for support. This also allows you to regain the full sensation of tasting your food UPPER ST. CLAIR ❘ FALL 2019 11