IN Upper St. Clair Fall 2016 | Page 20

For the LOVE Shakespeare of Retired Upper St. Clair High School English teacher Jane Hollman continues to teach Shakespeare as a volunteer at the USC Rec Center. BY W.B. FRESA 18 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Upper St. Clair T here are a lot of stories about teachers inspiring students to do great things. But it’s not often that the opposite occurs—a student sparks something in a teacher that sets his/her career path in motion. For Jane Hollman, that’s exactly how her teaching career began. As a student teacher in the early ’60s, Hollman was assigned to a rural farm community. “Only three percent of the students in that school went on to attend college,” she says. “And most had never ridden on an elevator—but that didn’t stop me from introducing them to ‘Macbeth.’” It was during this time that one of her students asked if he could read a soliloquy from the play. Of course, Hollman obliged. “I, along with the entire class, listened to this young boy read aloud. He set it on fire! It was so beautifully done. The whole class applauded. This young man hadn’t studied ‘Macbeth’ or Shakespeare, he just knew how to do it. And it was then I realized everyone has the ability to learn and relate to Shakespeare’s works.”