Ezekiel Walters
4th Grader at Freedom Academy
1. Tell us about the Freedom Academy Lego League
that you are involved in? How did you get started?
What is your favorite thing about the Lego League?
I started last year in the Jr. First Lego League. We did
not compete but it was fun to go to ASU and watch the
regional competitions. The First Lego League is about
building Lego robots and having fun with creativity.
We go on field trips and learn how to work together as
a team. This year’s theme is Nature’s Fury. We have to
program our robot to go on specialized missions to earn
points in competitions.
2. What is the biggest thing that you have ever built
with Lego’s? How many pieces was it? The biggest thing
I’ve ever built was a building from the Lego City with
over 400 pieces.
3. Have you been to Lego land? Tell us about it.
No, I haven’t been yet. But we are planning a trip in
January. I’m excited!
4. You are also a guitar player, how long have you been
I’ve been playing for about 3 ½ years. My mom bought
me an acoustic for Christmas when I was 6, but I LOVE
electric guitar. It helps me express my feelings.
5. What is your favorite song to play?
Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.
6. Do you play any other instruments? I used to take
piano lessons for a bit. But my favorite is guitar.
7. Is i BV7