will be formed but it will clear within seconds.
As one continues stirring, you will notice that the solution gets a richer yellow color. Take one ribbon out
and check whether the gold has been removed from it. If the gold is off, take the ribbon out completely. Add
more gold foils in to the solution and continue stirring. Ensure that you do not suffocate the solution with
too many ribbons. Too many ribbons will result to some parts not getting in to contact with the solution,
hence the gold will not be removed efficiently.
When you add more ribbons, the solution turns to auric chloride. Auric chloride is a rich chemical
combination of chlorine and gold. Such a rich solution can contain up to an ounce of gold if the process is
carried out effectively. When all the ribbons have had their gold removed, pour out the solution in to
another jar. Filter the solution in order to remove metal particles from it. Particles hamper the effectiveness
of the precipitation process. Leave the solution to settle and saturate for a couple of days. When it saturates
efficiently, precipitate it to get the gold from it.
In order for you to get a considerable amount of gold, get the ribbons fromseveral toner cartridges. The use
of chemicals means that one should be extremely careful in their handling. With this process, you will be
able to make a good amount of money from your gold.