In Spite of it All January 2016 | Page 2

In Spite of It All! is pu blish ed o nline m o nth ly and printed qu arterly (fo u r tim es a year). It is available in many locations throughout North Carolina and South Carolina and other surrounding areas. In Spite of It All! reserves th e righ t to refu se to sell space fo r any advertisem ent deemed inappropriate for the publication. All submissions must be received by the 1st of the month for the online month's issue. All content of this magazine, including without limitation the design, advertisements, art, photos and editorial content, as well as the selection, coordination and arrangement thereof, is copyrighted 2016. Journee Multimedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this magazine may be copied or reprinted without the express written permission of the publisher. In Spite of It All! (R) is a registered trademark of Journee MultiMedia, LLC. Advertise - To advertise email us at [email protected] 2