Green on a Budget,
Reuse and Recycle Tips for Your Home
hen you are on a tight budget in regards to expenses
encountered in keeping a home up & running, there are
many ways to save money. While some of these concepts
may seem like common sense, you might find a few that you hadn’t
thought about. Here are a few tips to keep your appliances running
efficiently & save energy with little effort:
• Keep your dryer filters very clean
• Keep smaller pots on the small burners
• Make sure your refrigerator door is always sealed tight
• Don’t keep your refrigerator near a stove or heat vent
• Most dishwashers have an energy saver option – use it
• Make sure your water heater is set at 120 degrees Fahrenheit,
not the 140 degrees where it’s preset from the manufacturer
• Switch to energy efficient bulbs: replace your old
incandescent light bulbs with efficient compact
fluorescent bulbs. They cost a little more up front,
but last 8-10 times longer & use less energy.
• Unplug unused appliances: Even when your plugged-in
electrical appliances are sitting unused they are still wasting
energy & costing you money. Get in the habit, like I do, of
unplugging the devices when you are finished using them.
This is actually a lesson I learned from my parents when I was
growing up. You can also use a power strip to save time when
unplugging multiple devices at the same time.
• Use homemade cleaners: Opt for natural alternatives for
cleaning such as vinegar and baking soda. They are less
expensive than the conventional chemical based products and
are safer for the environment.
• Wash a full load: Always wash a full load of laundry & dishes to
help lower home energy costs & prevent water waste
• Use a programmable thermostat: Programmable thermostats
automatically adjust your home’s temperature throughout
the day so you don’t use more energy than you need. Adjust
temperatures for times when you are at work & sleeping to save
money & energy.
• Detect and repair any water leaks: Leaks, even ones that seem
small like a dripping faucet, can result in a huge amount of
wasted water & should be fixed as soon as they are detected.
They are usually easy to repair & will save you money over time.
You can save even more money by reusing & recycling products
you use in your everyday routine. Recycling allows you to turn your
waste products into valuable materials that can be reused. It also
has social, financial and environmental benefits.
• Use reusable coffee mugs instead of disposable ones
This Industry Insight was written by Darlene B. Kruth,
a Sales Executive with Northwood Realty Services.
Darlene is a licensed real estate agent in the state of
Pennsylvania and has designations as an Accredited Staging
Professional (“ASP”) and a Seniors Real Estate Specialist
(“SRES”). For more information regarding Darlene’s services and
qualifications, please contact her at 412.831.0100 x3013 (office),
412.874.0415 (cell), email her at [email protected], or find
Darlene’s facebook business page at Darlene Kruth - Northwood
Realty Services.
724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
• Use cloth napkins, towels or rags instead of paper towels and
• Donate your old magazines, computers and cell phones.
• Use empty containers or jars to store leftovers
• Buy refillable pens or pencils
• Join a paint collection and reuse program in your area
Some of the benefits of recycling include:
• Save natural resources for the future of younger generations
• Prevent emissions of many greenhouse gases and water
• Save the amount of energy used
• Supply raw materials to industries
• Create jobs
• Encourage research in developing greener technologies
• Lessen waste products and reduce the need for landfills.
With Spring just around the corner, I hope you find these tips
for keeping your home working efficiently helpful. As always, it is
my pleasure to provide you with these business insights. If I can
be of assistance to you, your family, friends or co-workers for any
residential or commercial real estate needs, please contact me at
your convenience.