IN South Fayette Fall 2018 | Page 11

MCFALL FEST AT MCDONALD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Celebrate fall with an amazing day filled with lots of family fun on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the McDonald Presbyterian Church, 119 Station Street in McDonald. Enjoy homemade food, Treasure Chest Resale Shoppe, off-the-chart baked goods, pumpkins and mums for sale, Chinese auction, craft and vendor sale, live music, and a children’s fun area. Great fun for a great cause! Every dollar raised will go toward supporting mission and ministry work in our community and beyond: children’s and student ministry, mission work in Washington County, local service week mission work, Heartline Ministries in Haiti and Operation Christmas Child worldwide. For more information, visit, or call 724.926.8561. CHABAD OF THE SOUTH HILLS PROGRAM