IN Shaler Summer 2016 | Page 22

INDUSTRY INSIGHT I FUNERAL SERVICES SPONSORED CONTENT THIRD-PARTY CHARGES recently saw a friend of mine from out of state. He said to me, “You’re a funeral director — why wasn’t I told about all these extra charges on my mom’s funeral bill? I didn’t expect them. I was really surprised.” Answers immediately came to me. That funeral director assumed: ”That’s the way we do things here,” ”It’s our standard procedure,” ”It’s our custom.” I can’t and don’t assume. People handle a close family funeral, on average, once every 17 to 20 years. Third-party charges are for items that some families have us arrange prior to a funeral. Third-party charges are sometimes known as cash-advanced items. These charges, which are not our funeral home’s charges, can vary widely, both in amounts and scope. We help families navigate through their options and final wishes. We also keep the families arranging the funeral informed about those charges. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF THE VARIOUS THIRD-PARTY CHARGES WE HAVE TAKEN CARE OF... NEWSPAPER NOTICES Pittsburgh is rare in that there are two daily newspapers, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Pittsburgh Tribune Review. The cost for each depends on length of the notice, number of days the notice runs, and other things like photos or logos of various organizations. There are also many local papers, like the Valley News Dispatch or the Butler Eagle, that some families want to utilize. Some weekly local papers run death notices. We also handle out-of-town publications. Due to the cost of newspaper death notices, some families are foregoing newspapers and simply using social media to announce a death in their family. We run notices on the permanfuneralhome. com website at no charge to families. Family and friends can leave condolences, memories, photos and videos on an individual’s website notice. DEATH NOTICES VS. OBITUARIES There is a difference. A death notice is the paid notice announcing a death. An obituary is a news article that a newspaper can run about people who have really interesting stories. There is no charge with an obituary, and the family often has little say over it because it is a news article. CERTIFIED COPIES OF DEATH CERTIFICA