IN Shaler Spring 2016 | Page 45

TOW N SHI P OF SHAL E R N E WS Shaler ARE YOU COVERED FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE? If you’ve ever experienced property damage caused by a sewer system back-up, chances are you found that the damage was not covered by any insurance coverage. All local governments in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are afforded sovereign immunity against third party claims for property loss damaged under the Political Subdivision Torts Claim Act. Some exceptions do apply, but generally conditions are very specific for exceptions to be validated. The Tort Claims Act states that “a local agency cannot be held liable for a dangerous condition of a sewer system unless it had actual notice or could reasonably be charged with notice under the circumstances at a sufficient time prior to the event to have taken measures to protect against the dangerous condition” Because most sewer system backups are unforeseen events, they generally don’t fall under this exception. Therefore, damage to your home or property is not compensable by the Township or its’ insurance carrier. Homeowner’s Insurance: Some homeowner insurance carriers offer additional insurance to guard against this type of loss. Costs for such coverage is generally minimal. The Township suggests you contact your homeowner insurance agent to review possible coverage for this type of loss. The time to discover that you’re not covered for this type of claim is not when the event occurs. A little preparation, a few phone calls, and a minimal annual investment may be all you need to give you peace of mind when it comes to these types of unexpected losses. WHAT NOT TO FLUSH! Plumbing companies are ge GF