of Commissioner recognize that the recreational
activities afforded to residents is one of the primary
desires of Township residents. The Township maintains
11 parks which include the Township’s premier park
for Township functions, Kiwanis Park. The Township
has also undertaken major park renovations in Fall
Run Park, which has increased traffic in this park
significantly as it is truly a jewel of the Township.
Equally important are the number of smaller parks
which support little league baseball organizations as
well as small parklets with playground equipment for
a variety of ages. The Township has added a variety
of community activities over the past year that have
increased in popularity as more and more events are
added each year.
come at a cost to the Townships’ general fund budget.
The parks and recreation budget is 12.6% of the
Township’s annual budget. These expenditures are
earmarked for the operation of Crawford Pool, the
parks and recreation employees who maintain all of
the parks, community celebrations as well as support
to the Shaler North Hills Library.
CRAWFORD POOL: Many residents take advantage
of the membership privileges at Crawford Pool,
however the revenues generated from season passes,
swim lessons and daily admission do not cover the
operating expenses of the pool. Each year there is a
funding shortfall of approximately $75,000. All capital
improvements to the pool are not reflected in these
expenditures. Over the past 4 years, the Township has
funded capital improvements projects at the pool in
excess of one million dollars.
FALL RUN PARK: The renovation of Fall Run Park
exceeded 1.2 million dollars. Some of these costs were
offset with grants received by the Township, however
the capital funding dollars committed to this project
also had an impact on the Township’s overall finances.
COMMUNITY EVENTS: The community events
sponsored by the Township also come at a cost. As the
Board of Commissioners are committed to providing
more family-oriented events to the residents, we
purchased a large outdoor movie screen to avoid high
rental costs of the equipment. The Township actively
seeks sponsorship for these community programs
and has been very successful with this venture, which
allows us to increase programming and provide more
family fun for all. The annual July 4th celebration is
budgeted at $29,500, excluding Township personnel.
supports the Shaler North Hills Library with an annual
contribution of $500,000. The Shaler North Hills
Library also receives Regional Asset District Funding
as well as from a variety of other sources. The library is
award winning for its’ programming and community
engagement. They offer a variety of programs for
young and old alike and it truly is a fun place to be.
All of the above programs have the support of
the Board of Commissioners and resident feedback
regarding the success of these programs is
overwhelming. Recreation and cultural activities are
an essential part of the community and make Shaler
Township a special place.
Shaler Litter Brigade
Thank you to Madison & Tyler Williams
for helping to keep Shaler Township litter
free. What started
as a summer goal for
Madison has inspired her
younger brother Tyler to
join her and improve the
neighborhood. Madison
began the summer
by taking a daily walk
and soon realized that
Burchfield Road and the
surrounding areas were
covered with litter. She
asked her parents, James
and Tracey Williams, if she could take a litter bag
and gloves with her on her walks to help clean
up Shaler. Soon her brother, Tyler joined her
efforts and they have spent the summer months
helping to keep Shaler litter free. The Township
is proud that Madison and Tyler have pride in
their community and want to help. A special
thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Williams for teaching
their children that community life is important.
FALL 2019