Libraries connect communities
Maximize your support by making a gift today ! loveyourlibrary . org
Something special happens every day at your neighborhood library … connections are made . Libraries connect us with the past , present and future . Every day residents of all abilities , skills and backgrounds are connecting with experiences that can lead to opportunities for personal and professional growth . Children and teens are connected to high quality afterschool and summer programs that reflect individual interests . Comfortable library spaces welcome people to read , to think , to learn , to share and to connect with one another . Libraries connect us to words that inspire and technologies that teach us new skills .
Your library is more than a building that houses books , it ’ s a gathering place for anyone looking to learn something new , meet an old friend or see their neighbors . It ’ s one building , but so much more . In many ways , libraries are the heartbeat of our community .
Love YOUR library ! Maximize your support by making a gift today . Learn how a gift made to your local Allegheny County library by September 30 can go even further . Visit your library to find ways to give or donate online at loveyourlibrary . org .
Your donation will receive a pro-rated match thanks to generous support from the Jack Buncher Foundation .
All gifts to your local Allegheny County library made through September 30 will be MATCHED !
Maximize your support by making a gift today ! loveyourlibrary . org
Your donation will have a pro-rated match thanks to generous support from the Jack Buncher Foundation .