Oriole Cleaners
Quality Cleaning in the Quaker Valley
t’s difficult these days to find businesses dedicated to old-fashioned
items such as table linens, rugs, drapes, slip covers, comforters, sheets
quality service and customer care like Oriole Cleaners. This is exactly
and other bedding are always welcome.
why the Sewickley-based dry cleaning operation has been serving
Gottschalk said increasing his delivery service is the only area of the
Sewickley and surrounding areas for decades.
business that he’d change right now. That would allow him and his
Owned by Bill Gottschalk, who’s been in the industry for 22 years
7-member crew to still maintain their commitment to quality, while
himself, Oriole Cleaners prides themselves not only on day-to-day suits
offering their services to a wider range of area families.
and shirts, but also their expertise in the high-end garments and needs
“The delivery service is currently offered once a week on Wednesdays,”
that are so meaningful to
he said. “That service has
their valued customers.
been gaining popularity
“When you own a
over the last few years
business that has been
because people love the
a part of the community
convenience. I’d like to
for so long, you take
increase that to two days a
great care to maintain
week in the near future in
the trusted relationships
the Sewickley area.” Current
you have earned with
routes include but are
your loyal customer base.
not limited to, Sewickley
For that exact reason,
Borough, Sewickley
we’re not a high-volume,
Heights, Sewickley Hills,
quantity-based chain
Edgeworth, Bell Acres,
store – rather we’re small,
Osborne, Aleppo, Diamond
local and quality-focused.
Run, and parts of Franklin
We pay attention to the
Park. After multiple
detail and provide the
requests, Gottschalk
Pick-Up and Delivery
level of service and that
also offers service to the
customers expect, deserve and have enjoyed,
Virginia Manor plan in Mt. Lebanon as well as
in some cases, all of their lives. I’m here daily
the Nevillewood Golf Club community in Presto.
as a hands-on owner, which is something they
He said, “We want people to know that we’re
available to them as their hometown dry cleaner.”
For more information on Oriole Cleaners,
As a full-service dry cleaning service, Oriole
visit to their website at oriolecleaners.com. They
Cleaners can handle anything from the finest
are located at 601 Beaver Street, in the heart
of dry cleaning and executive shirt laundering,
of Sewickley, 15143. For delivery service or
to washing and folding laundry by the pound
questions about any special cleaning dilemmas
as well as even offering tailoring services. They
you may have, you can also call them directly
have a weekly pickup and delivery service
at 412.741.7130, or email them to
for busy families on the go, and can handle
[email protected]. They are open weekdays
specialty garments like wedding gowns,
from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from
leathers, suedes, furs, and more. Non-clothing
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.