IN Sewickley Winter 2016 | Page 25




After the


With the holidays upon us , let the festivities begin ! The only thing “ wrong ” about being festive can be the aftermath . This usually begins in January as we look forward to sunny spring skies . With the wishful thinking of warmer weather come visions of bodies in bathing suits . This mental picture can evoke plain old FEAR — especially on the heels of holiday indulgences ! Immediately , our thoughts turn to liposuction .

Liposuction , also known as liposculpture , contours specific areas of the body by removing stubborn fatty deposits . This makes your body appear slimmer , looking appreciably better in lighter clothing . Often , good health , diet and exercise are not enough . These patients who are in relatively good condition find stubborn areas of localized fat to be extremely frustrating . Common areas where fat deposits occur are the “ love handles ,” “ saddle bags ,” back , and abdominal areas . The liposuction procedure can be done alone or in combination with other procedures , such as Tummy Tucks , Breast Reduction or even with a Facelift .
What needs to be remembered is that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity — not a replacement for a healthy diet or exercise program . The best surgical candidates for liposuction are those who are in good shape , but have areas of resistant fat deposits . These patients would also have good skin elasticity . Some other common treatment areas are : thighs , arms , neck , waist , hips , inner knees , chest , cheeks , calves and ankles .
The results of liposuction surgery are typically long lasting , but could be affected by pregnancy , the aging process or significant weight gain . Usually during your initial consultation with the doctor , you will be asked to look in the mirror and show what areas are troublesome to you . Now is also the time that your skin elasticity will be assessed . This will help your plastic surgeon to know your expectations and to determine whether they can be realistically accomplished . Just as with any other surgery , you should be prepared to discuss your medical history , which includes previous surgeries , any medical conditions , allergies and current medications . It is extremely important that you include
everything , so your surgery and recovery will go well .
When liposuction or liposculpture surgery is performed , a hollow metal tube called a cannula is passed through the fatty tissue . There are several different types of liposuction surgery , which will be discussed with you during your consultation . Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed procedures done by plastic surgeons . Liposuction is a very low-risk procedure . You , as the patient , can help to minimize risks by following the preand post-operative instructions given to you by your doctor .
It is good to remember that for the first 48 hours after surgery , you will experience varying degrees of swelling and bruising . The bruising is typically gone in seven to 10 days , but the swelling lasts longer . Tiny stitches are placed where the cannula was inserted and
are removed about a week after surgery . This is not a very painful surgery . It feels like you have done a strenuous workout . The compression garment provided by your doctor should be worn for six to seven weeks after surgery . This helps to reduce swelling and to speed up the recovery process . In most instances , you will be able to return to most of your normal activities within 10 days to two weeks .
Liposuction surgery prices can vary depending on the amount of liposuction that needs to be done and the length of the procedure . This is all determined upon examination by the doctor at your initial consultation .
Liposuction can truly be a very uplifting experience for your self-esteem . If you are interested in making a positive difference in your looks without much downtime , this may be a surgery to investigate in the New Year .
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