IN Sewickley Summer 2019 | Page 37
f you’re looking for an activity that’s going
The NTC West class takes place Tuesday
to be fun for your children and foster their evenings from 6-7 p.m. October 1, 2019 -
innate musical talents, the Pittsburgh
April 21, 2020, at Coraopolis United
Youth Chorus (PYC) is the organization for Methodist Church.
you. PYC now offers several Neighborhood
NTC students will perform with the core
Training Choirs (NTCs) in the Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh choirs on the winter concert
suburbs. Designed to introduce parents and
held at the spectacular East Liberty
children to the organization, the NTC is the
Presbyterian Church.
first stepping-stone to PYC’s three-tiered
Formed in 1983 for a performance with
choral education program, providing an
the Pittsburgh Symphony, PYC has grown to
exciting opportunity close to home for young over 200 singers. Members of PYC continue
singers entering first through third grade to
to perform with the Pittsburgh Symphony
discover their voice.
and Pittsburgh Opera in the region’s most
Children receive an introduction to
prestigious concert venues.
ensemble singing, music literacy, and many
of the concepts used in PYC’s
choral education program
UPCOMING EVENTS: Registration now open!
such as rhythm and movement
activities, healthy singing, and
August 5-9
Summer Singers Day Camp (ages 7-10)
skills designed to improve
Pittsburgh Opera Headquarters, Strip District
overall musicianship. Prior
August 9
Auditions – Core Choirs (grades 3 & up)
musical knowledge is not
October-April Neighborhood Training Choir: West (grades 1-3)
necessary, and auditions are not
For more information:
required to join an NTC. All that’s
412.281.4790 • [email protected]
needed is a love of singing and
Need-based tuition assistance available
an enthusiasm for music.
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