IN Sewickley Fall 2017 | Page 14



History Buff

By Nicole Tafe

Quaker Valley Middle School ’ s Paul Ratkovich participates in the National History Bee .

In June , Edgeworth ’ s Paul Ratkovich showed off his skills , representing Quaker Valley at the National History Bee in Atlanta , Georgia . Paul , 13 , is the son of Clark and Katy Ratkovich . This fall he ’ ll enter eighth grade at Quaker Valley Middle School . At QVMS , he ’ s a part of Club BEST and QVMS tennis . His favorite subject is history and his favorite teacher is Mr . Bell . Outside of school , Paul enjoys traveling and camping with his family .

“ I ’ d have to say that my grandfather , David Aloe , is the person who first got me interested in history ,” he says . “ When I was a toddler , I remember him telling me all sorts of fascinating historical anecdotes and to this day , I love having historical discussions with him .”
To get ready for the National History Bee , Paul studied from a book of historical facts . To qualify , he first took a written test at school that enabled entry to the Regional Bee that took place at West Allegheny Middle School . There were several buzzer rounds and a written test portion .

Paul qualified for the National History Bee as a top-eight finisher in the seventh grade division . The National Bee took place in Atlanta in the beginning of June and hosted over 350 seventh graders from all over the United States . The competition took place over two days and there were multiple buzzer rounds in addition to a written test . The top 64 finishers in the elementary , seventh and eighth grade divisions were invited to compete in the Championship Round held on the last day of the competition . histor

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