IN Ross Township Summer 2016 | Page 45

A Better McKnight Road One specific focus of your leaders is McKnight Road, which serves as a vital corridor running through the heart of Ross Township. The businesses along this route provide convenient services and products for people throughout the Pittsburgh area as well as tax revenue that helps fund a significant amount of our budget. We need to work hard to continue to plan for and invest in this important artery. The Township is proactively working with key stakeholders to take initial steps to improve McKnight. • PennDOT is in the midst of a $1M+ project to install new “smart signals” along the entire Ross portion of McKnight. We are told this will considerably improve traffic flow. • The Township is funding a new “streetscape” study to look at over 20 different ways to improve the appearance and experience along the road. Jeremy Shaffer, Ph.D. President, Ross Board of Commissioners (Ward 8) • The Township is actively applying for state grants to improve intersections such as Siebert and others, which can include new/expanded turning lanes. • We are also applying for local and state grants to improve pedestrian safety and access at key points while working with the Walk/Bike Ross committee. • We are engaging local developers and property owners such as those of Northway Mall to help with planning and recruitment of new stores. The present day development of McKnight Road and the businesses that have found a home on it certainly did not happen overnight and is the culmination of many years of growth. As such, we must focus on specific, targeted initiatives for the McKnight corridor in order to make incremental improvements that set a positive direction into the future for our community. Furthermore, the Township will expand on our McKnight Road efforts to evaluate other corridors such as Babcock Boulevard and Perry Highway. More Open and Transparent Government The residents of Ross have a right to know where our tax dollars are being spent and how our government is serving us. The Board is taking new steps to make Ross a more open and transparent government. Our website now has a more in‑depth repository of publicly accessible documents such as support documents for our meeting agendas. Residents deserve to have access to key information and to know how Township resources are being managed. People – our Most Important Asset! I am continually impressed with the people who make up our community. Numerous volunteers from firefighters to youth sports coaches are a vital part of our daily fabric. The service of individual residents is vital to the quality of life we enjoy. Thank you for all that you do! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me or another Commissioner if you have concerns, questions, or suggestions. We are here to serve you. It is my hope that as a community, we can work together to make Ross an even better place for all our residents! Best regards, Jeremy Shaffer, Ph.D. President, Ross Board of Commissioners (Ward 8) Email: [email protected] Phone: 412.837.9003 Ross Township | Summer 2016 | 43 R OSS TOWN SHI P N E WS W ith over 31,000 residents, Ross Township is one of the largest municipalities in Allegheny County. We are a dynamic community with world-class neighborhoods, shopping venues, schools, and parks. Together as a community of residents, business owners, and other key stakeholders we should be constantly working to make Ross an even better place to live, work, shop, and play. Ross Township WORKING TOGETHER FOR A BETTER ROSS! A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROSS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, JEREMY SHAFFER