What are the attorney’s fees and costs, and
billing options?
This may be the most important question of all,
depending on your financial situation and the
amount of money you have to invest in hiring an
attorney. You also may want to ask about special
payment plans and how often you will be required
to make payments, or if reduced costs can be
applied if paralegals handle your case.
What is the attorney’s approach or
philosophy to winning or representing
a case?
The answer to this may lie in the attorney’s overall
demeanor. For instance, if you envision working
with someone more laid-back and cordial, then an
attorney who exhibits aggressive qualities could
make you feel nervous and uneasy. Also, consider
your type of case and what type of personality
would best suit the situation.
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Would the attorney recommend solving
your legal problem in another way?
Yes, you can ask this question, and the attorney
may recommend other lower-cost methods you
can pursue.
How will the attorney keep you informed?
You should know how and when the attorney plans
to communicate, as you will want to stay informed
of what he/she is doing on your behalf and about
upcoming dates.
What does the attorney predict for the
outcome of your case?
Of course, you will be curious as to whether
the attorney thinks you have a good chance of